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Anger is sadness that had nowhere to go for a very long time.

In the Western world today there might not be so much physical violence and poverty as in former times

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In the Western world today there might not be so much physical violence and poverty as in former times.. but instead now we have more invisible psychological violence (and spiritual poverty).  

The violence didn't magically go away, it simply morphed. It changed its superficial form to keep up with the current cultural times. It went from being mainly primitive and straightforward physical violence in the past, to keeping a lot of that to this day too, but at the same time adding this new and more subtle (but still very complex and modern) form of multilayered psychological violence. You can currently see this everywhere, and have probably heard about (and have personally experienced, too) more than one: false accusations; revenge porn; paranoia inducement; blame-shifting; character assassination; destruction of confidence; self-esteem damage; incivility; intimidation; compulsive lying; mobbing; gaslighting; emotional manipulation; emotional blackmailing; phishing; ghosting; menticide; guilt trips; name calling; gossiping; taunting; teasing; abuse of power and authority; sextortion; trivialization of mental illnesses; peer pressure; disinformation; propaganda; indoctrination; systematic brainwashing; verbal belittlement (to the point of pushing others to commit suicide); doxing; online shaming; online child abuse; devaluing; playing the victim and/or victim blaming; cruel mind games in their many different forms; narcissism in the form of megalomania; scapegoating; public defamation; public embarrassment; mental harassment; romance scams; cyberstalking; controlling behavior; coercive control; ostracizing; silent treatment... Yeah, you get the point: the list is pretty, pretty big.

Most of the self-presented as 'serious and objective studies' done in the past decade (or so), claiming that the world (understood as a synonym for humanity, obviously) is becoming a more peaceful and less violent place, are quite laughable, to say the least. Particularly, because they praise themselves for providing unique contemporary insight. Yet, they leave the most juicy part out on purpose because it would otherwise instantly evaporate whatever small sense of credibility they may have...

The old cavemen used to hit each other in the head with a blunt weapon. The new cavemen on the other hand, are a bit more sophisticated, so they play twenty-first-century mental tricks, or grab a phone, and do some cyberbullying. The past version of an evil practice was doing something to make the other person cry or feel bad, now the updated next step is to post it online, so that everyone else can make that person feel bad too. Same shit, different smell, and little more intensified, basically.

The world is as belligerent and vicious as ever. Only that as the technological times change, the way we socialize evolves and the type of interaction modernizes itself, so does the type of violence; which is clearly much more cerebral these days. The scars used to be mainly external, and now they are mostly internal. 

Which type of violence is worse, does more damage, hurts more and causes long-term trauma for the longest, is subjective and debatable. Mainly because the coping capacity, susceptibility, mental endurance, strength and vitality varies with each individual. So, everyone deals and puts up with the psychological part differently, but it's all hollow and senseless savagery nevertheless.


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