Chapter 17

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A/N skip to Friday 👍
Jai P.O.V

It was Friday thank god. I took Avai to school this morning. And then went out with my brothers to get something to wear for Avai's dance competition this weekend. We were out for 4 hours trying to find clothes but we eventually found them. We decided that we would all pick her up from school today since there was no point in going home to come back out. She was very suprises to see all three of us waiting for her she ran up and gave us a group hug I lifted her up and kissed her. We walked out of school and to Beau's car. We went home and mum had made something that smelt really good and it tasted really good aswell. Avia didn't have dancing tonight because she has to rest so we just relaxed on the couch all night. Beau made a keek, he said
"Hey guys, we are chilling on the couch tonight what are you doing" he pointed the camera at Avia who was walking to sit down. She did peace and the duck face at the camera. I pulled her on my knee and kissed her and Beau got it on camera. He is a a d*ck head. I went on Twitter and found loads of fans screenshoting the keek and reposting it saying cute.
"Why" I asked him
"Jai it's cute calm down" he stressed
"Ino but it's weird" I told him
"What" Avia said
"Doesn't matter babe" I told her
We spent ages talking and then we all went to bed beau she we had to be up early tommorow."

A/N sorry it's short but the next chapter should be long 💜

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