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the only sound that could be heard throughout the apartment was the scribbling of the pen across her journal page

it was later then she usually wakes up which is better than the 3:30 am nightmares that would cause her to shoot straight out of her bed in sweat and terror

when she woke up like this, which was a routinely thing for her, she would cure her racing mind with writing

she had just finished yet another poem to add to the collection of poems she already had noted throughout her worn out journal

she stripped off her clothing while walking across her apartment to the bathroom, even though one side of her apartment was practically one giant window she knew nobody would be able to see her unclothed pale frame at this height

that was part of what she loved, nobody could see her but she could see everything.

she turned the nozzle so the shower could start to heat up, and while it was she looked over her face in the mirror. Her long brown hair that was nearly black framed her face. Her bright green eyes popped at the sight of how messy it was due to it being sloppily put into a bun for the night. She frowned and decided the water was warm enough before finally getting in the shower.


its was now 6 ish and i had to be to work in an hour so i could either take the taxi and be lazy or be stuck in the pool of bacteria they call a subway.

Taxi it is.
yay this will be Luke fanfic and I'm kind of excited about it so heres the first chapter, I realize its short sorrysorry

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