Another is Gone

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Alphys POV

It didn't feel right, being alone tonight.. Undyne had to work the night shift because her new worker called in sick. They probably wouldn't last long there. Undyne doesn't take kindly to slackers. I double checked that the doors and windows were locked. It was probably just my paranoia, but I felt like I was being watched.. nothing that cute pictures of [C/N] couldn't fix. I still couldn't believe Sans was mated, had a child, AND was feral! That was just- it was still a lot for me! If I'm being honest.. I thought their would be papyton Pups before Sans ever got a lover. Stars how things have changed. I pulled out my phone, flicking through the pictures of me and the baby, Undyne and the baby, [Y/N] and the baby, Sans and the baby, Gaster and the baby, Papyrus and the baby- my head shot up. "W-what..?" What was that?! I took a step back. Someone was outside my house? I sent a quick text to Undyne before rushing to our room. There was the sound of the front door opening. Someone pick locked the door!? I called 911 as I hid. "Someone b-broke i-into m-my h-house.."

Your POV

You groaned as you got up to get [C/N]. Babies, you found out, were very needy, at all times of the day. It was now currently close to 3 in the morning and between you and Sans, you've been up seven times during the night. "I'm here buddy.." You yawned, picking him up. Diapers, while you still used them, weren't necessary. He didn't have have the parts necessary to pee or poop. So, it was likely he was simply hungry or wanted snuggles for a bit. You hugged [C/N] close and bounced him gently as you walked down to the kitchen. "Mama's got you, baby boy, mama's got you.." You made him a bottle, looking outside. Something didn't feel right.. you narrowed your eyes. Who was that coming up to your porch? "Sans!" You called to your mate, holding [C/N] closer. The baby cried louder. You took the bottle and gave it to him. You fished around for some sort of weapon. Sans came running. "what's wrong?"
"Someone's outside our house." He switched to staring out the window, and growled when he saw movement as well. He stalked towards the door, magic at the ready.

A firm knock was planted on the door. Seeing as burglars didn't usually knock, Sans relaxed and went to get his cuffs. You opened the door to an officer. "Good... morning.. I think." You checked the time again. "Yep." [C/N] started to fuss and you picked up the bottle. "Good morning ma'am. Are you [Y/N]?" You nodded. "I am. What's wrong?"
"You're friend, Alphys has gone missing, seeing as this is the third person that you know that disappeared, you and your family are going into police protection." Sans poked in. "alphys is what-"
"Is everyone going under Police protection?" You asked, reminding yourself to catch Sans up later. "Yes. Though miss Alphys' wife is rather.. angry. We had to jail her for the night, but you monsters seem rather protective of your lovers, so the officer in question she'd assaulted isn't pressing charges." You nodded. "Thank you officer." He nodded. "Have a good night, you three."
"you as well, officer." Sans closed the door. "Alphys went missing." You stated as he turned to you. He sighed. "we have to do something." You agreed. "I-I really don't want to reset. We've gotten so far.." You looked down at [C/N]. "i don't want ya to, if we can avoid it."
"So what's our first move?"

What would you do?

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