Planning and Modification

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"This thing always gave me the creeps." You stated as the scientist duo dismantled the DT Extractor. "I will take that as a compliment." Gaster replied. "[Y/N], hold this a sec." You went to your mate to hold some object or another. Apparently a component to the Extractor. "Why IS she here? Shouldn't she be protecting your offspring?"
"I would be with, [C/N], but I'm what the Player wants. He will be safer without me around." Sans gave a confirming nod. "that's why she's here and he's up top with grandpa grillby." Gaster shivered a little. "Grandpa Grillby.." That would take some getting used to. "It really has a nice ring." You offered. "That it does." Gaster agreed. "dad, i think i see it." You shifted over so Gaster could come over and see too. "Yes! We must be very careful disconnecting it, it's very touchy."
"Uh... what is it?" You asked. "the main extractor. this is where the the determination is taken and stored. it's where the player will be taken..."
"And stored."
"Once we change and modify it." Gaster reminded. "think there's still determination if there, old man?" Sans asked. "No doubt, we will have to clean it out."

Slowly, with the help of Gaster's many hands, they carefully removed the main extractor. "Don't let it drop, don't let it drop." Gaster muttered nervously. "i won't, this has my entire family's life at stake." Sans growled back. It looked heavy, it was easily a fourth of Sans size. They carried it slowly to a table and put itdown as gently as they could. Gaster grabbed a bucket and a tube, unscrewed a cap on the Extractor, and started draining it of yellow and cyan liquid. "justice and patience, eh?"
"They were the only fallen humans at the time."
"That's what determination looks like?" Sans looked up, nodding. "that's what wasn't injected into my soul." He replied slowly. "What are you going to do with it?" You asked. "I do not know yet." Gaster replied. Once it finished draining, the determination bucket was replaced with an empty one. Sans was pouring water through an extraction hole, flushing out whatever remained inside. He did the same to the other hole, officially cleaning out the main extractor. "Now to modify." Gaster screwed the cap back on. "and formulate a plan of action." Sans concluded. "If we don't have one already."

"what do ya mean?" Sans frowned. "We already established that I'm what they want, why don't I play the bait and lure them here?"
"It's to predictable." Gaster replied. "They know Sans would never allow you to put yourself I harms way unless it was a trap." Gaster had a good point.. "no way in hell am i putting you in that position." Sans agreed with Gaster. "Well... nobody knows them better than you, what do you think will get them here?" Sans grabbed a tool. "they like to watch people suffer. me especially, so if they think i'm there to get mettaton, i can lure them here and get them in the machine. they wouldn't expect it, seeing as they know it only as the dt extractor. they would think to jump to another host, but it'll already be to late."
"We'll have them." Your stomach twisted. "But what happens in you're enclosed in there with them. It's determination a foreign entity for a monster? If it's extracted, you'll be feral, feral.." Both scientists stopped and Gaster looked to Sans. "it's a risk i'm willing to take." He replied, leaving no room for argument. Two could play that game.

You stayed quiet and watched them work. You didn't want to lose Sans. You didn't want to lose him to ferality. That determination was what was making him tame, as far as you knew. So while he lured them down here, couldn't you just hide in wait until you could push them into the Extractor yourself? There was nothing foreign in your soul, you'd be fine. You looked at Sans. He looked tired. You probably looked the same. Everything with Kane, The Player, the kidnappings, and [C/N] who was the only good kind of stress. You felt drained and no doubt he was too. Soon, it would be over soon.

Will you interfere and take out the Player yourself?

Will you trust Sans to be safe in taking them out?

We are finally getting to the end, I guesstimate about 3 or so chapters left.

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