Chapter 11

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*knock knock*

Yeonjun quickly opens the door after I knocked and lets me inside, placing myself on the sofa while he sits on his chair, I let out a big sigh, exhausted from the day I had.

"How was it?" Looking up I see him scrolling through his phone. "It was amazing, I only hate that they have such a short time, it's only two minutes a fan"

Yeonjun nods "I get that, I would also hate to see them leave dejected" I stretch my arms and sit up again "I just hope that I made their day and maybe week a bit better, they sure did for me!"

"I'm sure you did, just wait for the pictures and memes to come online" we laugh, both already imagining the memes that Lights will make.

"Joha, here are some snacks" Presenting a bag of snacks, he immediately snatches it out of my hand and goes through it.

"Gamsa Rinnie" he gives me a cute smile and I pinch his cheek, he swats my hand away and starts to open his snacks.

"I'll go sit here to do my Vlive, maybe I'll turn the camera around to show you but it won't be a long Live" Yeonjun nods and spins his chair around again to work further on his Music.

Starting the live after setting the camera at the right angle "Annyong haseyo Lights! I'll wait a bit for some more fans to join" I give a smile and see more and more fans join.

After a few minutes waiting I continue again "Joha joha, a lot of you have already joined I'll start now!" Hearing some music I look up to see Yeonjun bowing his head as a quick excuse and putting his headphones on

The comments immediately go crazy over at whose place I could be, I laugh while picking up the camera and standing up. "It's not that I wanted to hide who I was with or something but sometimes he can be a real clutz"

Walking over to Yeonjun I show his face in the camera, he gives a wave and winks "Say hi to Junnie Lights!" Getting back to my seat I continue the Live.

"I had so much fun at the fan meeting today, and I hope all of you got home safely and also had a great time" quickly looking at the comment section and seeing that a lot of fans say it was a great time

There where also a few fans who where dejected that they did not live close by enough to go the the fan sign. "I'm really sorry for all my international fans, maybe someday I can hold a meeting in your country"

I say the sentence in English so my international fans can understand it better "All of you have probably also seen the photoshoot I had with Taehyung oppa, I hope you liked it"


It was amazing!!! You looked so good together


I heard Taehyung's name, I really hope they are dating!

Y'all I don't know who I should ship Hei-ran with anymore, she looks good with everyone


I laugh a bit at the shipping comments "Gamsa guys, even though Taehyung oppa is an amazing guy, he is like a bigger brother to me. And he feels the same way"

"Even though the fan meeting is now over, I have a lot of new fun stuff planed the you guys will love!" I feel movement next to me and see that Yeonjun sat down next to me, giving him a smile I continue to read through the comments

A lot of fans ask if I'm close to BTS members now and if I can make videos with them. I wish I could do that, I should go ask some of them!

"Ne, I've had some fun practices with BTS and we became good friends! I'll ask them If they want to do a video with me" snickering a bit at the tough of being a guest at RUN BTS and making a song with Yoongi.

I've got a lot in store for my Lights, hope they will like it!



Are they as fun to be with as they seem?


Aww why don't you and tae-oppa get together, you look so cute together



"I like all of them, they are really great! I can laugh a lot with Jin oppa about his dad-jokes and Jimin oppa and I end up on the ground from laughing" smiling at the memories of our practise together

"Hobi oppa's smile is always as bright as a sunshine and seeing the maknae line making fun of the hyung line is always great" as I'm answering the questions there is a sudden knocking on the door

Looking over at Yeonjun I see him already getting up to open the door. Probably a member of his group.

I start to read comments again and don't notice someone sneaking up on me, this results in me dropping my phone when I get scared by the person

Hearing loud laughter coming from next to me I see that it was Hobi who scared me. I get up from the floor with my hand on my hearth "Aish Hobi oppa you scared me"

Glaring at Yeonjun who whips his eyes from laughing too hard and getting back to his chair to work again.

Hobi grins, ruffles my hair and sits next to me "Saw you where doing a live and where in the building, thought I could surprise you!" He smiles at me and I give him a big smile back

"Well say hi to all my Lights!" The fans are going crazy of having Hobi on the Live. "Annyong haseyo Lights! I'm your hope, your my hope, I'm J-hope" Aish his greeting is so cute

Hobi turns to me "How was your fan meeting?" I explain the whole fan meeting to him and get really excited, he laughs a few times at what I say.

We read through some comments and answer a few questions while joking around, Yeonjun ends up joining us. "Ah this is a good question, what is the weirdest thing that Hei-Ran has done"

Yeonjun gets an evil look on his face and I quickly shake my head. "She once stuffed ten hot dogs in her mouth and then almost choked, then she had the audacity to look sad when they were all on the ground"

Hobi burst out in laughing when Yeonjun shows him a picture of me having them in my mouth. Then one of me choking after it, and then me sitting there sad looking at the hot dogs on the ground.

"We haven't known each other long enough yet to really have any crazy moments but seeing her and Jimin always ending on the floor is funny enough" Hobi says while laughing a bit

While the two boys start to share stories on my Live, I sit back and pout. Why is it always me, I will take revenge Yeonjun you just wait

Hobi looks at the time "Well it was really fun but I need to go back, Rinnie you should also get back and get some sleep!" I smile at his thoughtfulness and nod at him

"Ne, that's probably a good idea" I smile at the camera "Well it was a fun time! I'll stop the live here, until next time my Lights!" Giving a few kisses and hearts I close the Live.

Hobi gives me a ruffle on my hair, says goodbye to Yeonjun and me and then leaves. Standing up and cleaning the mess in the studio, I also grab my stuff and get ready to leave.

"I'll also go home and grab some needed sleep! I'll see you next time!" Yeonjun nods and gives me a big hug

"Text me when you get home!" Nodding at his question I step out the hug and walk to the door.

Waving a last time I close the door. I never thought those two together would be so much fun.

It was the best way to close off an awesome day

My saving Light (JungkookxOC)Where stories live. Discover now