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You fluttered your eyes open to the sound of someone knocking on the door, you found yourself on the couch with a blanket wrapped around you.
You looked to your side and found Jungkook sleeping.

You smiled and removed the blanket from yourself and wrapped it around jungkook, walking out of the room.
"Yes?" you asked the nurse standing in front of you.
"Dr. Lim is calling you. Your Son's report and some other things have arrived. He wants you to collect them from reception" she informed and you nodded, bowing.
"Thank you"

The receptionist gave you the report and some formalities which were still pending. You sat down on the bench and completed them. It took a good 40 minutes to read everything and sign the papers.
You gave her the papers mumbling a small thank you before going back to san's room with the reports.

Jungkook was pulled out of his dreamland by the sound of the door closing. He yawned and stood up sitting near san again. "Baby wake up, appa is waiting for you" he mumbled, placing a long peck on his forehead, sitting down again holding San's hands. "Appa loves you Sannie. Appa loves you more than himself. I know we just met yesterday but I really love you sannie."
A few seconds later Jungkook felt San's grip on his hand as his eyes widened. He called out San's name as San slowly opened his eyes, Jungkook cried.
"S-san?" He asked as San whispered in a small voice, "mumma" … "San, you woke up!" Jungkook squealed, losing control of his happiness. He rang the bell the doctor left, as the doctor came to san's room and checked on him. All this time San was holding Jungkook's big hand, and Jungkook couldn't help but adore his small hand.

This was the first time San held Jungkook's hand.. It was just euphoric to him. "Mr. Jeon, San is all fine now, You can take him home in the evening. By the time I'll prepare discharge papers" Dr. Lim said as Jungkook smiled and bowed continuously showing his gratitude.

"Young man. Don't thank me, spend this time with your child and his mom. I'll take my leave" jungkook nodded at his words as Dr.Lim left.

"Who are you Uncle? W-where is mumma?" San asked Jungkook as Jungkook's heart ached. His own child doesn't know him. He wrapped his both arms around san's, "I- I'm your Appa San. Hi" he said as San widely smiled at him, showing his tiny bunny teeth.
"Really? Appa you came? I missed you appa" San's eyes started glistening as he spread his arms wide for Jungkook to hug him. Jungkook immediately embraced San and rubbed his back.
"Sannie, I missed you so much. You are Appa's prince. Appa loves you. Alot." Jungkook said, pulling away, still holding San, as San wiped his tears.

"Appa don't cry. San doesn't like tears no no. Mumma also cries, but stops crying for san. Please don't cry" he said Jungkook smiled through his tears wiping them with the back of his hand as he hugged San, slightly squeezing him as he couldn't control his happiness. Finally he was holding his son in his arms. He decided to pull away but something stopped him, his necklace was entangled with San's. He looked down at the entangled necklaces and his eyes widened.
"What happened appa?" San asked as Jungkook looked up at him.

"Who gave you this necklace San? Your mumma did?"
He asked, cupping Son's cheeks and he nodded.
"Mumma gave me this, it will protect me from pain she said" Jungkook smiled, kissing San's forehead.


"Yah y/n-ah. Why do you keep falling like that? What if I wasn't there? You would hurt yourself badly baby '' Jungkook scolded you as you laughed, slightly hissing.

You just hurted your leg, it would've been pretty worse but jungkook came at the right time and saved you.
"Ah koo, don't scold me! I am already hurt" you made puppy eyes as he just glared at you making you laugh again.

"But for real koo, if you weren't there then i would've hurted myself more.. thank you koo" you said and pecked his cheek as he narrowed his eyes before fondly smiling at you.
"I'm always here y/n, but when i am not near you… this will protect you on behalf of me" he pulled out a necklace with a small star and a diamond heart in it. The star was made out of a blue diamond and the heart within it was made with purple diamond. He made you wear it as you smiled.
I brought something similar for you too kook!
You pulled out a necklace similar to his, just the colours were vice versa, "I went out to buy this for you koo" you said as he bent down to your level and you helped him wearing it. "I love you so much koo" you said as he smiled leaning for a kiss, "i love you more y/n-ah" he said against your lips before kissing you.

Flashback over~

You opened the door to San's room and looked up, seeing San and Jungkook smiling at each other. You ran towards San and placed the papers on the table beside him. "San!" You cried as he looked at you and smiled.
"Mumma!!!" He opened his arms and you hugged him.
"Where were you mumma? I met appa! Mumma? Are you crying too?" He asked, pulling away as you smiled, wiping your tears, "N-no baby, something got into mumma's eyes. Mumma isn't crying. San hates tears so mumma won't cry" you said as another tear rolled down your cheek.

"Mumma" san shook his head, face palming himself as You and Jungkook laughed at his cuteness.

"San thinks he is the only big boy here. Mumma and Appa cry like a baby and strong sannie doesn't" he clapped his hands as Jungkook caressed his head.
"Does it hurt somewhere sannie?" You asked as he nodded, "It pains a little here" he pointed at his head, "but sannie is  strong, mumma. Don't worry" he smiled.

"Dr. Lim checked on him, he is alright. We can take him home by evening." Jungkook said as you nod.
"San wants to go home mumma. You promised san to watch Iron Man with him and now Appa will watch Iron Man with us too!" San said, pulling Jungkook by his arms.

"Sure appa will. All these years appa couldn't see his baby. Now appa won't let go of you" jungkook stroked San's cheek and passed you a cold glare.
You gulped, 'Jungkook would stay with us now…' you thought.

"Appa you saved the world, right?" San asked as Jungkook frowned in confusion.
"W-what?" He chuckled at the little boy.
"Yes, mumma told me that appa is saving the world from bad people and will comeback after fighting all the bad people" sand explained. Well, that was the excuse you always use to give san when he asked about his father. That his appa is saving the world and is a superhero.
The little boy believed it.

"Ah yes yes. Appa will keep all the bad people away from san, hmm?" Jungkook said, kissing san's hand as sand smiled, nodding.

"I will complete the discharge formalities y/n, you can talk to san by the time and take care of him.." he stood up and walked towards the door.

He twisted the knob but stopped, turning around.
"I am coming with you too." He announced before walking out.

It was evening and you guys were ready for San's discharge.
Jungkook completed all of the formalities. Since san's blood clot was removed through ultra laser surgery doctors told you to be careful with his head. You understood everything and soon left for home with jungkook.
Jungkook took you guys home in his car. You were scared to sit in cars but you trusted jungkook. He is a great driver.

You guided him along the road and soon you guys reached home. You took San's stuff in your hands and Jungkook lifted San in his arms. You opened the door to your house and san smiled clapping his hands in happiness.
"Yay. Mumma, should I teach appa what you taught me?" San asked as you nodded.

"What do you want me to learn, San?" Jungkook asked booping San's nose with his.
"Appa! Say, 'Home Sweet Home' before going in" san taught him as if he was a teacher and Jungkook laughed.

"Ok ok sir. Home sweet home!" Jungkook said a little too loud as you all went it

Jungkook placed San down on the sofa and sat beside him.
"Mumma bring me banana milk!!" San whined as you smiled nodding. You went in to get banana milk for him.

"Hey buddy, you like banana milk too?" Jungkook asked, placing san on his lap as he nodded.
"Appa do you like Iron Man?" San asked with doe eyes and Jungkook melted.
"Yes baby. Alot. I have iron man socks at my home too!" He said as san laughed.

"Appa, isn't this your home too?" San asked him.
'Is this my home? My home left me 5 years ago, how will I explain this to you?' he thought as he was about to make an excuse when you came into the living room.

"Sannie, your banana milk!" You smiled, handing him his banana milk and straw. "Thank you mumma" he sipped on his banana milk. You sat beside him stroking his hair, while he was sitting on Jungkook's lap.

"Jungkook, I hope you still like this" you said, giving him banana milk and straw as he furrowed his brows.
"You remember?" He asked taking the carton from you.
You nodded

"How can I forget kook?" You said under your breath.
"Hmm? Did you say something?" He asked as you immediately shook your head.

"I'll make a light dinner for San by that time, can you play with San in his room?" You asked him as he nodded.
"Let's go san, show me your room" he picked san up in his arms.

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