Hanma x fem reader

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Friend threw a controller at me, got inspired, what can I say? Enjoy my lovelies



Hanma and I had been best friends since we were little. One day a kid had stolen a spade when I was playing in the sandpit and the next minute the kid had a mouthful of sand and was getting dragged away by his ankle by a tall boy with golden eyes. Even as a kid he was stronger than the rest meaning he could do whatever he wanted to whoever he wanted and no one would dare try to stop him. Maybe that's why I was enticed by him, I was always weak.

I sit on my bed, game controller in my hands and I viciously smash the buttons in an attempt to beat Shuji-kun a fourth time in the game we were playing. He was lounged on the floor propped up by my bed while I sat above him wrapped in an old spider man blanket my brother had gifted me before he went off to college. Sweet wrappers decorated the floor along with movie CDs and games, it had been a lonnggggg night.

I smash the controller twice as hard as we hit the final round of the game, Hanna sat up getting prepared to for the finale. The game began going more and more in my favour, I was nearly falling off the bed trying to get closer to the TV stationed on my wall untill at last...

"I WIN, I WIN AGAIN" I let out a villainous laugh as the tall boy throws the controller away from him. He's gonna be a sore loser, I can smell it

"Not fair, you were cheating" he mutters, crossing his arms.

Oh boy, called it

"How was I cheating?"

"You were distracting me"

"How? You weren't even looking at me" He turns to look at me and takes a breath as if he was about to say something before letting out a sigh.

"You just were" he looks away before gets up from his position. He stretches his long, muscled arms out above his head and leans his head back against my bed, looking up with closed eyes. He was wearing a tight short sleeved t-shirt which is not normal for him since everything he owns is baggy.

Shuji lets out another long sigh before opening his eyes and snatching up something beside him, it had better be the money to buy a new controller, I swear to god if I find out he cracked my one.

"Do you wanna play a different game?" I fall backwards onto my bed, taking the blanket with me.

"You seem to be pretty awful at this one after all"

He lets out a sound of agreement and I sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed.

Oh that had better not be what I think it is.

I grab both side of his head and twist them slightly so he is looking upwards at me and I see the white unlit cigarette poking out of his mouth. I snatch it out and throw it across the room.

"Hey! what did I say about smoking in my room" I let out a groan of annoyance and roll my eyes before looking back at the head caught between my hands.

"I don't recall you saying anything" he says looking me right in the eyes and looking away again. Lying bastard.

"Mhm" I glare down at him and he lets out another sigh. Man what is with him and sighing today?

"Fine I won't smoke in your room"

"Promise?" He looks back up at me, his eyes sparkled slightly as the ceiling light was positioned right above him. A couple seconds pass where he just stares into my eyes before he finally answers.

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