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After I completed the song, I was too numb to move. To breathe. Seokjin kisses and succulent whispers left me hypnotized in the seat we shared. I held my breath in so long, my chest grew sore and seconds away from passing out.

I read somewhere a kiss on the neck meant you belonged to the one kissing you and this has stuck with me ever since. It sounds like hopeless romantic fodder, but regarding the man next to me, I had to wonder if there was any truth to it.

The thought of our last intimate moment, which began with a kiss on the neck, haunted me with every quickening of my heartbeat. We were already more acquainted with one other, occasionally hanging out whenever he had time, and I even met a few of his friends. Seokjin and I would text on and off. He'd send me funny photos of him and some cute ones before he prepared for a show. Our friendship grew, and I was happy to have a friend here. Seokjin made me laugh when I was sad and he celebrated with me when something wonderful happened in my life. I treated him the same.

My new friend invited me to one of his award shows. Of course, I wouldn't sit with him, but I told him I would be there anyway with my dad. I wanted to support him regardless and even tried on the dress for him I was going to wear. Standing in the mirror, I smiled, yet contemplated how many inches I could shed before I actually wore the dress. I remembered the look in Seokjin's eyes. I had never seen him so serious and I worried something may have been wrong.

Seokjin approached me, eyes fixated on my reflection in the mirror. Closer, his footsteps dragged toward me as my feet planted to the floor, hoping they would hold my balance. He uttered how beautiful I looked, and I nodded in thanks. He's never said those words to me and I felt grateful to hear it, especially coming from someone as handsome as him. His beauty is intimidating.

I didn't read into it, but there was no doubting the intense moment. To break the tension, I teased him about the young lady he dated at the time, saying it wouldn't please her to hear him telling another woman how beautiful she is. Seokjin smiled, but I wasn't sure how funny he found it. He mumbled something about her not belonging in our moment, and my heart sped, too afraid to ask for elaboration.

As he reached me, his gaze lowered towards my hair, before he leaned down and pressed his lips to my neck. This act spurred a few kisses between us over time, but they stopped. It's been a year since.

"I'm sorry," Seokjin uttered. His voice drew me from the point of turning faint, pulling me from one intense moment to another. "Do you forgive me?" He asked.

I stared at the gold calligraphy embossed on the piano, mind in a fog. Our friendship had grown complicated and the success with his bandmates had taken off. This meant few moments for us and the face-to-face interactions we had were limited to cell phone usage. I couldn't be happier for Seokjin, especially when he shared with me a contemplation of their breakup. It was a tense time for him, and I'm more than pleased to see them pull through. I believe they will take over the universe someday.

He waited for a response from me, but I lowered my gaze and positioned my fingers once more for another familiar tune. The moment I played, Seokjin rested his forehead in my hair and sighed. I pretended to ignore the weight of his head on mine and continued to play. This song belonged to us. One remained kept in our heart, locked away, and only we knew what it meant. It was our foundation. Our sanction. It defined what we are. Puzzles pulled apart until we're back to the start.

"Answer me, please." He pleaded. Seokjin lifted his head from mine and I mindlessly played the song till the end. Perhaps my maturity rating dipped low with my actions, but I don't how to address our issue.

A familiar ringtone sang through the quietness of his apartment. I recognized it coming from my phone and stood up from the piano seat. I followed the sound to my coat and retrieved my phone from its pocket. It was my dad calling. He wanted to know where I'd gone. I told him I left the party and caught up with my friend. Dad knew of my closeness with Seokjin and speculated if we were anything more, just like everyone else. I didn't feed into his allegations.

Once I hung up, I stared at my coat, debating on if I should leave or stay and dish this out. Before I could make a sound decision, Seokjin approached me. "Don't leave Zee. I want us to talk." The sincerity in his tone made my heart sink. Honestly, I didn't have the heart to tell him no. I slipped my phone into my coat pocket and stepped away from it, distancing myself from him. I gave in and allowed him to take the lead. If this is what he wanted, then my decision was obvious.

He wanted me to stay, and I did.

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Can anyone guess what era this story takes place?

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