Chapter 2 - Sandy's Married Girlfriend Marjory

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(Above: Merton College, Oxford, founded 1264)

Eve and Dick were such lovebirds. On the way back from dinner and it was dark outside, and cold, Eve clung to Dick's arm, and they both grinned and chatted with each other happily, both blushing. It was adorable. I smiled to myself as I walked with Amelia, and we were almost to the women's dorms.

"The Irvines have gotten quite mixed up with that family, didn't they?" I muttered to myself as we walked along the dirt road, but Amelia heard since she was walking right next to me.

"Indeed, they did. Do you know the story?"

I shouldn't let on that I knew the entirety of the story, at least what was told in the biography I read about Sandy that was written by his great-niece, the granddaughter of the giggling couple behind us. What a wild thought.

"No, I don't," I fibbed.

"Well... Sandy used to work for Dick's father, Henry Summers. That was how he met Marjory. They took to each other, mainly her first. Sandy was quite flattered by it, and from then on, she was seen everywhere with him."

I recalled reading about that. "I see."

"Yes, it was quite a surprise to everyone, especially to Dick and his father. Even hated the relationship and has always tried to talk sense into Sandy since then, but to no avail. When he was off in Spitsbergen during the summer, that was when she and Dick really started to become close. They knew each other years before then, but only got together when Eve's watchful brother was away."

My mouth opened, surprised by that. "Wait a minute, they took advantage of Sandy not being around?"

"That was what Eve told me. Of course, they were already friends, so they looked to each other when Sandy was gone since they both missed him. Eve revealed having feelings for Dick for a while, and it was the same for Dick towards Eve. She never did anything about those feelings because of Sandy, but while he was gone, they couldn't help themselves. They fell in love and told Sandy about their engagement after he came back from his trip about two months ago. He was not happy. He still isn't."

I let out a breath. "That's too bad. I really hope they make up before he leaves for Everest."

"We hope so, too. Sandy doesn't really talk to Eve and Dick anymore. Maybe you would be able to help in this."

I smirked. "I've already thrown myself into their lives. I don't want to any more so."

"It was more that Sandy pulled you in. You know, I saw the stars in his eyes when I met with you two earlier. There was definite interest there. I am sure he will listen to you, a new pretty face."

I felt heat ride up my neck. "I don't think that's the case. He was just being nice."

"Think what you want. I think that was why Eve said to help with setting that boy straight. She saw that you had his coat, and she put two and two together."

The thought that Sandy Irvine was probably interested in me made my heart race. "I still only think he was being nice, and he was elated that my father has been to Everest, and me up several other much smaller mountains. I mean, smaller compared to Everest."

Amelia gasped. "Oh my, are you serious?"

"Yes. Sandy said that I became a person of interest for him because of that."

"Indeed, but it is also because you are a pretty young lady."

It was futile to try and convince her otherwise. "Okay, okay, whatever you say."

We stopped at the stairs to the women's dorms and looked back at Eve and Dick. They grinned at each other, and Dick embraced his sweetheart. They were so cute, it was almost infuriating. Dick gave her a sweet kiss on the lips and held her to him in a hug for a few seconds.

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