Chapter 25 - Something Rather Steamy... and the Beginning of the Ski Trip

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9pm. Would he still be up? We had to get up quite early the following morning so we could make it Lauterbrunnen by eight to catch the train by that time.

I stood in front of the mirror in my room as I stared at my reflection. The purple streaks still stood out in my curled shoulder-length brown hair, and my silver dress shimmered and matched the snowflake necklace. This was basically the same outfit I wore for the New Year's party.

"Sandy's not going to care if I wear this dress or a plain one," I said. "I'm not trying to impress him tonight."

I slipped off the dress and put on my deep-purple one with a low waist like a lot of 20s dresses were styled. I stood tall as I watched myself in the mirror.

"Well, here I go. I have to be serious and not pushy."

After nodding at myself in finality, I left the room and came into the hallway and went to Sandy's door. Maybe he was asleep.

"Yeah, this probably isn't the best time."

I about walked away but stopped. When else would be a good time? He was leaving for Everest in a week!

Turning on my heel, I went back to the door and held up my fist. After taking a deep breath, I knocked. My heart hammered inside of me as I heard heavy footsteps cross the floor inside, and my breath hitched when the door opened to reveal Sandy in only brown trousers and a white collar shirt tucked into them. His blue eyes widened when he saw me.


What was I going to say to him, again? My heart speeded away, and my chest tightened painfully while tears stung my eyes and blurred Sandy. My chest tightened, and a whimper escaped before I flung my arms around his neck and started wailing into his left shoulder.

He stood there not moving for a moment as my body convulsed with sobs, and tears leaked out of my eyes uncontrollably, wetting his shirt. His heartbeat did nothing to calm me like it had before.

"Katie..." he said again, but softly and sadly and stepped back with me still clinging to him. The door shut, but I hardly noticed. My chest hurt, my eyes stung, and my limbs felt weak. Tears still leaked from my eyes as whimpers escaped me.

"I'm... I'm so... sorry..." I said through my sobs. Strong, warm arms wrapped around my shaking form, but that did little to stop the convulsing and pain. "You were... angry with me. You couldn't even... look at me or... talk to me... for days."

His hold on me tightened, and his face dug into the crane of my neck. "I'm sorry, Katie, my darling. I was a stubborn rotten bastard for willingly not speaking with you. It hurt to see your tears these past days, knowing they were there because of me."

I felt myself calm just a little, but my body still shook, and I clung to his shirt at his pectorals. "No, Sandy... I was the bastard for willingly keeping a huge secret from you and not having enough faith in you. I was just... the way you reacted to Eve's and Dick's engagement, I was afraid that you would react in the same way to me."

"And I did, which proves that you were right. I suppose... well, I have thought about it, and I think I have trust issues. My mother, father and E have told me so. I admit I can be course when I find out someone has wronged me."

"Anyone can, and I just did it in the worst way possible. Look, I don't care if you believe me or not, just... don't be mad at me anymore. I missed how we were. I missed you."

He kissed my jaw. "I missed you, too. Peter, that buggar... he gave me a ripe tongue-lashing that I think I deserved. I was mean to you, as he said. I admit I was, and I am so sorry. If you say you are from the future, then that is where you are from, and if you say that you know all about my trip to Everest, then... so be it. It hurt too much to be away from you, so I will believe every word if it means I can be with you."

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