lyrics stuck in my head >:l

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song lyrics from choir have been stuck in my head ALL GOD DAMN DAY

i tried writing them down in a notebook

did not help

so im trying again

Frozen ground and frosty air
Leafless trees with branches bare
Earth lies waiting in despair and
Yearning for the spring

Wailing winds and silent cries
Longing heart and darkened skies
Waiting for the sun to rise and
Life to come again

yes i have nothing to say i just wanted to get that out of my head

also i have the tenor/bass uhhh like parts? where its just them
in O Holy Night
yeah the melody but idc about the words
it's so fucking pretty, especially how my teachers sing it (bc im in an all girls choir so they sing the parts during rehearsal)


10/10 incredibly incredible

goosebumps everytime.. never fails
i look forward to singing O Holy Night JUST BECAUSE i want to hear that melody
idk how i've lived my life without it
If u think Rewrite the Stars is good hOo boy are you missing out, buckaroo


i touched a pp:)

that's all folks

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