Chopped Story

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I was upset when I got the idea but I waited too long and now I feel better.
But I'll try anyways
(usually poems rhyme but a lot of mine don't. When they don't rhyme I call them chopped stories. Chopped stories are usually longer than regular poems.)


My life has been spent
Doubting my worth
Wondering if my presence
Inconvenienced others

My life has been spent
Feeling unloved
Feeling alone
Being pushed away

By everyone

All the time

Trapped in my room
Trapped in my head
Dad getting high
Mom miles

And miles away

The only people in my life
Were the lawyers
And the counselors
And the doctors

They were the ones
Who made sure I was okay
Because nobody else could
They weren't allowed to

My mother told me
My father used me to hurt her
My father told me
My mother use me to hurt him

My parents told me
I was being used
Over and over and over
My entire life

I never felt like a human
I never felt loved like a human
And that's how it was
For a very long time

So naturally

Every other person
Who tried  to be close to me
And tried to love me
Was pushed away

Until I met her
One of two
With whom I never fought
Always agreeable

Love without consequences

We are friends to this day

The other one I met
Four years later
Two of two
With whom I have had



Opened my eyes
Made me see
There can be love and pain
Yin and yang

Together they thrive
Because facing conflicts
Is the only way you can really
Understand someone

I feel loved when I am around them
But my heart feels very fragile
And if they were to break it
It would need


I'm sure

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