The Sneak In

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Misty's POV

“Okay, so tell me again why did you pick an ice cream truck as our disguised car” Riley groaned as she yells to kids that we don't have ice cream.

 “Cause I like ice cream duh”

 Riley rolled her eyes as I parked the van across of the studio. I got up from the seat and walked to the back. I flipped the switch to uncover the gadgets and weapons Riley will be using. I took off the sweatshirt I had on, revealing an ice cream uniform and placing the hat on for the finishing touch. I turned to Riley with a huge smile on my face to be greeted with a unamused face.

 “Whattt?” I whined, fixing the hem of my shirt

 “Why are you wearing that, you look like the bakers man” I looked at her with a serious face, crossing my arms.

 “Um excuse you but the bakers man wears an apron, get your facts straight”  

 I grabbed a bluetooth, connected it to the headset I was wearing and passed it to Riley to put it on.

 “Okay, so here are your weapons. lipstick laser, throwing knifes, keylogger, lockpicks, stun gun, and the trackers”  Riley began putting the gadgets in her utility belt.

 “Ri remember to put the trackers on their phones and get out as fast as possible, We don't need any complications” she nodded, walking towards me as I was typing on the computers connected to the truck.

 “I will be directing you where to go from here, place this on your shoe so I know where you are” I gave her the tracker I programmed

 “I will be talking to you the whole time okay?” she nodded in response, tieing her hair to a ponytail.

 “You ready?”

 “Hell yeah I am” she screamed

 “Good” I pressed the enter key on the computer and the theme song of mission impossable started to play through the speakers. I pretended I had a gun in my hands, shooting in random places.

 “I cant with you” Riley shook her head stepping out of the van.


Riley's POV

I walked into the studio as normal as possible. Charles said that they are on the fifth floor so that wouldn't be hard to get to

I got on the elevator  and got on the fifth floor

 I slowly walked around to find the studio that the boys are in, I mean it wasn't that hard there was a big plack that said 5 SECOND OF SUMMER on it

I went beside the door and looked in threw the window thing on the door. All three boys backs was facing the door and they we're talking to Charles. He saw me threw the window thing and then kept talking to the boys

Once they were ear shot away from the door I opened the door and  quietly went inside the studio closing the door quietly as possible

There was one phone on the coffee table already. I went on my knees and crawled to the phone, As soon as I grabbed it I heard footsteps coming near where I was. I flipped over and hid under the coffee table

The footsteps was right next the coffee table and spoke "Hey do any of you know where my phone went, I left it here but now it's gone"

Charles came into the room and saw me and nodded at me "Mate you don't need it now. We're gonna be recording and you don't need phones to record"

They both chuckled and left the room

I let out a big sigh and hacked the phone into Misty's computer then put it back on the coffee table. I got out from under the coffee table and stood up and slowly walked over to find the other three's phone

I slowly and quietly walked near the recording booth. Once I was some what near the boys I did a real quite cartwheel behind them and behind a desk

I was about to move again until Misty talked through the Bluetooth

"Bro, watch out!" she screamed scaring me a bit making me curse under my breath

I looked up to see Charles beside me but standing up

"What the hell are you doing?" he whispers to me

"Misty and I have to hack the boys phones to track where they go. It's part of our job for protecting them" I whispered back

"Lord to hell, I'll try and get there phones for you but these boys use there phones 24/7" he sighed

I chuckled lightly

"Charles what the hell are you doing?" one of the boys asked

"Are you talking to yourself?" another one giggled

"I'm getting old, respect your elders" Charles pointed a finger at them and went back to them

I peeked my head to the side of the desk an saw Charles putting a phone on the desk next to mine

I slowly crawled to the phone. I grabbed it and hacked it into Misty's computer and put it back where it was. Two down two more to go. Bad thing was is that the other two phones we're in there pockets

I quietly tried to walk around them but the floor was old so it made a creaking noise. I paused right where I was

"What was that?" one of the boys asked and I started to panic

I hit the button on my watch that tells Misty to help if I'm in trouble


Mistys POV 

 "Gosh dangit, i told her to be careful" I started to place a grandma wig on and dressing in a old floral dress that im pretty sure was my nanas.

I grabbed my cane and began walking into the studio. when I entered it was quite busy, with a few interns walking around and securitaries answering phone calls. I wobbled to the front desk, adjusting my fake glasses to read the name tag of the woman which was Margret.

"Hello dear, do you mind calling out my grandson" I smiled, using my grandma voice, which kinda sounded like an awful version Betty white. 

"Um and you might that be?" the secritary looked me up and down with the most disgusted face ive ever seen.

"Listen hear you whippersnapper, I came to see my beloved Lucas so if you want to give me attitude, I suggest not because I have a cane and I might be old but I could still show you a good beat down" I snapped, waving my cane around.

"Okay mam just take a seat please" the woman monotonously responded, picking up the phone.

I waited near the desk till I see a boy that seems to be LLuke by the way Charles described them. he looked at me wearily, walking to my direction. 

"Oh long time no see Lucas" I spoke loudly, shaking hugging him

"Um excuse me but your not my grandmother" 

This wasn't going very well, so I did the first thing that popped into mind.

"Ohhhhhhh my hip! my hip!" I placed my hand on my hip, falling to the floor.

"O my gosh, o my gosh. call the boys. call somebody" Luke began to yell, I started yelping in pain and soon three other boys came to my aid. I saw Riley slip through the people and run out the sliding doors. I was about to get up till a very colorful haired boy started to grab me to pick me up, not letting me go. 

"I'm fine sonny" i patted his shoulder 

"No you need help, let me help you"  

ughhh why is he so persistant. I grabbed my cane and started to wack him with it.

"ow! lady *wack* please *wack* stop*wack wack*" 

the other boys came near me so i started swinging the cane randomly. as soon as everybody ran the other way screaming there is a crazy old hag with a cane in the lobby, i ran out. 

"What took you so long?" Riley asked, starting the car

"I was just working on my swing" I laughed as we sped away from the studio. 

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