Plane Ride

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Riley's POV

"God I hate planes" I grumbled. slumping down in my seat

"Out of all the things you do, you hate planes the most?" Misty says next to me looking through a magazine

"I mean how are you not? Have you seen snakes on plane? That shit is scary, there's probably snakes on this plane now!" I whisper shout

Misty slaps my knee "Shush! There kids here and we can't draw attention to us! Just take a nap or something"

I slightly pouted at her and laid back closing my eyes and falling asleep


Misty and I waited for the guy to pick us up. We had our bags and everything, All we needed was this guy to pick us up

"I think that's the guy" Misty says pointing to a tall middle aged man with light brown hair and a few gray hairs here and there, walking towards us

"Are you Misty and Riley" he asked, in a thick Scottish accent, as soon as he got in front of us

We both nodded our heads and he spoke again "Ok, Hi I'm Charles, Linda send me over here to take you to the place you'll be staying at for the next few weeks or so" he said taking both of our suit cases walking to the exit with us behind him

"Um? will we have a place to stay and not stay at a hotel like we'd normally do?" I asked as we got outside in front of a black car

"You guys are gonna stay here watching the boys for a long time so Linda found a apartment for the both of you to share. It's in a regular apartment complex and with three rooms, two bathrooms, a medium living room and a small kitchen. also a small balcony. Let's get you there and I'll show you your rooms and shit" he explains putting our bags in the trunk of his car

Once he was done we out in and we drove to the apartment


Once we got to the place we both picked out our rooms and the extra room was for our computers and other equipment and Charles sat us both on the couch and him  sitting on the coffee table in front of us

"So, I'm gonna tell you each boy and what their like, what your suppose to do and what your names will be. Tomorrow you will meet the boys and your names will be.......Misty you'll be Alice Summers and Riley you'll be Crystal Summers, your ages are the same as your real ones and what you have to do is protect the boys with your skills and all. Now let me tell you about the boys. Luke Hemmings, lead singer of the band and also plays guitar. He's a sweetheart and an awkward teenager boy. Michael Clifford, plays guitar and does backup vocals, he may look like a badass but he's a kitten at heart. Calum Hood, bassist and backup vocals, he's an outgoing guy he gets pretty quite around people sometimes but don't worry about that also beware him and his nakedness. And the drummer is Ashton Irwin he does a little bit of backup vocals but not a lot, he's a giggling little boy but a mature person when it comes to it. Now that's all the boys and one rule you both need to follow. You both cannot, and I mean cannot, have any love life with ANY of the boys, you can be friends with them but cannot get emotionally attached to them, do I make my self clear?" He finishes talking and the both of us nodded  our heads

"So we start tomorrow?" I ask

"Yup, I live in the apartment above you two so if anyone is at the door that you don't know then just climb up to the balcony and tell me and I'll get them away from your apartment" Charles says and gets up from the coffee table to the door

"For now. stay here and turn on your computers and stuff and get used to the place. I'll be upstairs if you need me" he says then leaves the place closing the door behind him

"I like him" Misty says getting up and going to her room

I roll my eyes and go to my room taking a nap


Yellow people it's Dory wrting this and I'm tired as balls so yeah lol thanks for reading bye bye


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