This is How You Flirt

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To the few people who might see this, I wrote this scene out of random inspiration, and do plan on incorporating it into a real fic. But I'm too excited to wait to post it. I will eventually come back and put this into a full-length story and edit it. But for now, I hope you enjoy this short scene!


Harry's POV

The boys were sitting in the living room on couches and chairs in a house that management was temporarily renting for them.

"I'm bored." Harry said, putting his phone down after finding nothing to do on it.

"We're all bored Harry." Louis said as he put his phone down too.

"Well then why don't we do something together?" Niall asked. Harry wondered if there were any games they could play, although he couldn't remember them buying any.

"You are a genius mate," Louis said sarcastically. "I really thought we should do stuff on our own since we're all here together."

"Oh give him a break." Zayn rolled his eyes at Louis.

"Yeah, I think that's a great idea!" Harry added, earning himself a playful punch in the arm from Louis.

Harry gasped dramatically. "How could you hit me?!"

"How could you take Niall's side over mine?" Louis fired back.

"You know it's not like that Boobear," Harry defended himself, hearing the others laugh at the nickname. "I just want to have some fun with the guys, and you're being negative."

"I was being sarcastic." Louis corrected.

"It still hurt." Niall muttered, crossing his arms but failing at hiding a smile that revealed he was never offended. Liam gave him a reassuring pat on the back.

Harry ruffled Louis' hair. "Does it really matter? All that matters now is that we aren't mad at each other anymore."

"Who says I'm not still mad?" Louis huffed. "It's obvious that I am and you're just not paying attention."

"I know we can't stay mad at each other for long." Harry pointed out, knowing it was true for both of them. He put an arm over Louis' shoulder.

Louis pushed Harry's arm away. "Are you not listening? I'm obviously furious. Don't touch me."

Harry reached out to Louis again. "Aw come on Lou, I-"

Louis grabbed Harry's arms and pushed Harry so he was laying down on the couch. Holding Harry's wrists above his head, Louis leaned in and whispered "Will you listen to me now Hazza?"

Harry felt his heart stop and a shiver ran down his spine as he looked at Louis' gorgeous blue eyes. "Yeah." He managed to get out, his voice suddenly rapsy and lower than before. Harry couldn't help but look down at Louis' lips, simultaneously licking his own.

Louis' eyes widened slightly at the sudden change in Harry's voice, but before anything else could be said Liam spoke up, reminding Harry he wasn't alone with Louis.

"If you two are done seducing each other, I have an idea for something to keep us entertained." Liam said. Louis rolled his eyes but didn't say anything as he got off of Harry. Harry felt strangely dissapointed but dismissed the feeling. He also dismissed the fact he stared at Louis' lips. After all, he only did it because they were right there in front of his face.

"What's your genius idea?" He asked.

"We could try writing songs." Liam suggested. "I know we can't write a song in one night, but we could see what weird ideas come to our late night brains."

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