May I?

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I really struggled with the beginning of this one, but I thought the end was cute. I also didn't edit much so I hope there aren't too many mistakes.


Louis POV

*At Princess Park in 2012*

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" I looked up as Harry walked into my room. He didn't knock, but that's what I get for leaving the door open.

I shrugged. "Sure, I've got nothing better to do anyways. We can watch it in here if you want." I suggested, gesturing to my TV.

Harry nodded and sat next to me as I turned on the TV.

"Titanic?" I asked, knowing it was one of Harry's favorite movies.

He smiled, probably because I remembered. "Sounds good. But haven't we watched it like 50 times already?"

I shrugged as I started up the movie. "Yeah, but we never pay attention for the whole thing anyways."

Harry laughed. "True. Do you think we will this time?"

I scooted to the very end of my bed and rested my head in my hands with my elbows on my knees. "We can try."

Harry joined me and the end of the bed and mimicked my pose. We both watched the movie, but every few minutes I'd poke Harry, or he'd poke me, or I'd tickle him, or he'd kick my foot lightly with his foot.

When Harry stopped kicking and poking me back I turned to face him and noticed he had a sad expression on his face. "Is something wrong? You don't normally get sad at this point in the movie."

Harry opened his mouth then closed it and sighed before opening it again. "This sounds really cheesy and stupid, but I wish I could be in a relationship. Not that I've never been in one, but I want one that really feels right."

I patted Harry's thigh reassuringly. "You just need to find the right person, but don't rush."

Harry shook his head."I've already found him, but he hasn't found me yet." I ignored the faint jealous feeling that I got when Harry said he found someone.

Harry saying "him" didn't surprise me. Although he never officially came out to me, I knew- had a strong hunch- he wasn't straight. Just like I'm fairly sure he knows I'm not straight.

"You've got to tell him." I suggested. "Show him how you feel, or at least that you're interested."

Harry shook his head and looked at his hands. "I don't know how."

"Well uh, this might be stupid but you could practice with me." I suggested. When Harry made a slightly confused face I continued. "However you would tell this guy, try it out on me and I'll tell you if it's good."

Harry looked unsure, but shrugged as if to say why not. He turned to face me and sat on his knees, so I mirrored him.

When I realized Harry just seemed super nervous and wasn't saying anything, I wiggled my eyebrows and winked at him.

He let out a single loud laugh (🙊)  and smiled. "Thanks Lou."

I winked again, aggressively, and smiled back. "Any time Haz. Now, pretend we are... at a dance, but it's after the dance and we're standing alone outside." Harry looked thoughtful for a second before looking back at me.

He put his arm on my shoulder and smiled widely at me. "You look great in that tuxedo tonight."

"Oh really? Thanks, you look good too! Really handsome." I wiggled my eyebrows again, struggling not to laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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