Truth or Dare

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Hey guys! Just like story 1, this is a single scene that will eventually be incorporated into a full story. It took me over 6 hours to write and revise so I hope you like it!


Louis' POV

"Why are we doing this?" Niall asked as the 5 boys sat in a circle on their hotel floor.

"Because we're bored." Zayn responded. "And apparently nothing is better than a good old game of truth or dare."

"Oi, you all agreed to it. I just suggested it, no one is making you do it." I pointed out and pouted exaggeratingly.

Harry put his arm over my shoulder, unknowingly sending a shiver down my back. "Don't worry Lou, I think it's a great idea."

"Thanks Haz." He smiled and removed his arm from my shoulder, making it feel cold and bare. I tried my best not to frown, but Niall gave me a knowing look, letting me know I failed for a moment.

All the boys knew about my crush on Harry, except Harry of course. I hadn't always had a crush on him, we had been just friends at first. But that only lasted a few weeks. I didn't fall for Harry right away, but when I did I fell hard. How could anyone not have a crush on this adorable curly-headed boy?

"Louis?" I quickly snapped back to reality when I heard my name.

"Huh?" I wonder if I missed a dare.

"I asked you truth or dare." Liam said.

"Oh uh, dare I guess." Liam was silent for a few moments while he thought. Niall leaned over and whispered something in his ear, causing Liam to laugh.

"Oh that's a good one." Liam said and looked back at me. "I dare you to go to the receptionist and ask for a tampon."

I was surprised for a second, but then I rolled my eyes. "Is that all you have for me Payno?" I stood up and headed to the door.

"Bring Harry with you!" Niall said before I opened the door.

"Why?" But I'm not complaining about alone time with Harry, I can still act normal around him despite my massive crush. Somehow.

"To make sure you don't chicken out." Niall said and winked, letting me know he was doing this for Larry and not for the dare. I never know if I should hate or thank him for all he does to help me.

I shrugged. "Ok, c'mon Harold and help me get a tampon." I laughed as soon as the sentence left my mouth. Harry laughed too and got up.

I held the door open for him "You first, my prince."

Harry hesitated just for a moment before laughing again. "Thank you kind sir." I followed Harry out the door and to the elevator.

Once we stepped in the elevator Harry spoke up. "'My prince'?"

I looked at him in confusion. "Huh?"

"You said 'my prince' when you held the door for me."

"Did I?" I thought back to that moment 30 seconds ago. "Maybe I did, what about it?"

"You uh," Harry was hesitant all of a sudden. "You said my prince." He put emphasis on the word my.

"Oh." I suddenly realize what he meant. It kinda sounded as if we were dating, I guess. No that's probably not what he's thinking about. It probably sounded possessive. "Sorry, I'll make sure not to do it again." Harry shook his head quickly.

"No no, it's ok." He interrupted me quickly. It's um, it's kinda cute." I smiled and hoped I wasn't blushing. "Well, maybe not cute but I didn't dislike it."

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