Jealous Lovers

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Surprise surprise, this is a single scene that will hopefully be put into a longer story.
So far the other parts have over 40 views, and I just got my first comment recently too! I'm so grateful for all of you 💙💚
Anyga- uh anyways, here's the story
(P.S. italics means he's thinking in his head and not speaking out loud. If that makes sense)

Also warning, slightly sexy scene.


Harry's POV

"Now this is the one I picked out." Liam said, turning back to the big screen. As the tweet popped up he read it out "Which 1D member can sing the highest?" After only a few seconds, the audience was already chanting Zayn's name.

"Oi, give the rest of us a chance!" Louis protested. Almost immediately after, Zayn let out a very high note, causing the audience to cheer loudly and me to wince. But I couldn't hold back my face of amazement from how high he can go.

"You think you can go higher than that?" I asked Louis.

"No," He answered honestly. "But it would be nice to not loose the competition before it starts."

"Aw, are your feelings hurt Boobear?" I was unable to hide my smile when the most of the audience screamed, and I totally didn't hear the few people who screamed "LARRY!"

"Maybe." Louis huffed and turned his back to me. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Zayn smacking Niall's arm, causing Niall to stop staring happily at me and Louis. Oh, Louis and I have been the only ones talking for a little bit now haven't we?

"I bet Liam could get close to what I did." Zayn said, interrupting what the fans would probably call a 'Larry Moment'. I'm looking at you reader.

"It's worth a shot I guess." Liam shrugged, then attempted to beat Zayn. Unsurprisingly, he didn't go higher, but I was still pretty impressed.

"I can go higher than both of you." I smiled smugly. Zayn gave me a doubtful look but didn't say anything.

I took an exaggeratingly deep breath before singing the lowest note I possibly could. All the boys started laughing, and some of the audience too. Niall actually fell over from how hard he was laughing. Surprise surprise.

Louis walked over to me and slung his arm over my shoulder. "I think you definitely won that one Haz." I smiled wider at him and stared (yes stared, give me a break) at him for a few seconds until someone in the audience shouted LARRY again, snapping me out of my fonding. I realized my arm had made its way around his waist and quickly removed it.

"Ok that was the last tweet." I looked over at Liam as he spoke up. "Now it's time for another song, this is Use Somebody by Kings of Leon!" The audience started cheering before the music even started playing, that's how excited they were. And I had a feeling I knew why...

I saw Louis smile at me out of the corner of my eye, giving me a little confidence boost before I started singing. "I've been roaming around always looking down and all I see, painted faces fill the places I can't reach. You know that I could use somebody. You know that I could use somebody." I sighed with relief as soon as I finished my solo, cuz I didn't mess up. Although if I did mess up, the audience would probably call me a "nervous baby" or something. Affectionately of course.

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