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23 Days After

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23 Days After

"You're bringing Fanny?" I ask, and Yelena looks at me as if I have offended her and nods. 

"I bring Fanny everywhere." Yelena answers, and I roll my eyes. I ride with Yelena to the cemetery, slowly liking the fact that Yelena brought her dog along. She's good company, better than Yelena even. Yelena parks, and Fanny jumps out of the car with us. 

Once we walk up, the both of us start cleaning up the dust and old flowers that were left, and try to tidy up her stone. I set down a new bouquet of flowers, and we both bend down at the sides of her stone. I rest my forehead against the cold stone, and feel tears drop down on my face. I look up when I hear Yelena do the first part of a whistle, and I cry even harder, knowing it was our little secret calling. I finish the second half, and Yelena looks up at me, trying so hard to smile at me. 

We both get up, moving to stand next to each other, my arm wrapped around her shoulders, reading our late sister's stone.

"Promise me that we'll keep in touch." Yelena pleads, and I let go over her shoulders, putting her hand in mine and interlacing them. 

"I promise. I'll always have your back." I respond, and she rests her head on my shoulder, since I'm a little taller than her, it seems awkward but it also feels right.

We're interrupted when we hear someone blow their nose, and we let go of hands and turn to our left. 

"Sorry... I'm allergic to the midwest." She starts, and I roll my eyes, turning back to look at our sister's grave, unsure who this lady think she is. "What this woman did. I honestly can't even imagine." She adds, and I turn to my sister, hoping she knows who this lady is before I kick her ass.

"You're not supposed to be bothering me on my holiday time, Valentina." Yelena responds, and I can hear the annoyance in her voice. Whoever this Valentina is, sounds like bad news. 

"Bothering you? Oh, no no no. I'm just here, paying my respects." Valentina defends. 

"Mmm." I chime in sarcastically. 

"Well, coming here makes you look desperate." Yelena comments, looking at Valentina, putting her hands in her pockets. Causing the three of us to laugh condescendingly. 

"I've got your next target." Valentina informs Yelena, and I turn and raise a brow at my sister, but staying quiet. "Thought I'd hand deliver it. Maybe, you'd like a shot at the man responsible for your sister's death." Valentina adds, and hands Yelena an iPad, and I look over to see the picture on the screen, seeing the last person I thought I'd see. 

"But this is-" 

"Thanks, we'll take it from here." I cut my sister off, and Valentina smiles at me.

"Kind of a cutie, don't you think?" Valentina mentions, and then walks away. "I'll be in touch!" She shouts as she gets into her car, and Yelena looks at me. 

"You have some explaining to do." Yelena spits at me, and I nod. 

"Not here." I respond, and I clear my throat, and call for Fanny, and when she appears from the trees, we start walking back to the car. 

The entire car ride back is silent, just the sound of cars passing by, and Fanny panting. When we park, Yelena storms in and grabs the bottle of vodka, which is now half way empty. 

"Sorry, I drank some last night." I mention, and she rolls her eyes, and grabs 2 glasses from her cabinets, pouring us both a shot. 

"Talk." Yelena demands, and I shoot the shot back before I dive into this conversation. 

"Clint called me telling me that Nat died, right before I called you. He didn't say much, he was crying too much, so I didn't know what happened until I got to New York." I start, and I watch as Yelena shoots back the shot with tears collected in her eyes, and I pour us another one. 

"Nat and Clint were sent to get the Soul Stone on some weird planet or whatever, and they could only get it by sacrificing a soul for a soul." I explain, feeling my eyes fill with tears too.

"Okay." Yelena responds, waiting for more. 

"You know those two, wanting to sacrifice themselves so the other could live, but Nat being the stubborn bitch she is, sacrificed herself so that Clint's family could have a dad. He's got 3 kids Yelena." I mention and Yelena's tears start falling. 

"She loved them." She mentions, and I chuckle. 

"She really did." I comment, and I wipe my tears. 

"So what are we going to do about Valentina?" Yelena asks, and I shrug my shoulders. 

"Only thing we can do. Warn Clint." I suggest, and she shakes her head. 

"No, I can't face him right now. This is a lot to swallow." Yelena adds, and I nod.

"I'll go. I've got to start looking where to live anyways." I insist, and Yelena furrows her eyebrows at me. 

"I thought you were going to move in with the others." 

"I think I need a break from all of it." I explain, and she nods.

"You know we can never just stop. It's all we know." Yelena comments and I roll my eyes. 

"I know, just want to take a beat on killing people." I joke, and she laughs. For a little, we share stories about Natasha, even about times when the three of us lived together. Then, I got my things together so I can start my drive to Clint's house. 

"Let me know when you get there." Yelena insists, and I nod. 

"I've got something for you." I bring up, and she connects her eyebrows together, and I pull it out from my bag, handing her the vest she let Nat borrow. 

"My vest." Yelena whispers, and I smile.

"I thought she'd want you to have it back." I mention, and she smiles, pulling me in for one last hug.

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