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15 Days After

Every morning I've been waking up to more visions. Memories. Whatever they are, but it's been pleasant ones recently. And they've all been with Steve. Last night's memory dream was more intimate. It was like I could feel his fingers lingering on my body, his arms holding up my legs, and when he's about to take off his boxers, I wake up. 

A kiss on my shoulder, a light, gentle kiss, but it still wakes me up. I smile with my eyes close, and feel a shift in the bed, and when I open my eyes, he's hovering on top of me, leaning down to kiss me, and right before he does, our door swings right open. Steve rolls off of me, pulling the covers over us, only to be greeted by Sharon. She fakes a surprised expression, and I roll my eyes, leaning my body weight on my elbows. 

"Sorry, I thought you two would be up." Sharon mentions, and Steve politely smiles at her. 

"It's okay, we'll be out in a few." Steve says, and I watch as Sharon's eyes travel to Steve's shoulders, as if she's about to drool. 

I pull the covers off of me, making sure Steve is still covered, exposing myself in one of Steve's t shirts, that hits right at the top of my thighs, and Sharon looks away for a second. I smirk to myself, knowing that's she's jealous. 

"Yeah, we'll be out in a few." I repeat, and slowly shut the door while Sharon is still standing there. I turn back to Steve, who seems to be enjoying the view, and I climb back into bed, but instead on his lap. 

"Fair warning, if she doesn't knock next time, I'll give her something to watch." I tease, and Steve smirks at me, and I lean down to kiss him, which he easily parts his mouth for me to deepen the kiss. His hands moving to hold my waist, and we're interrupted again, but this time with a knock. 

"Petrova! Rogers! Get your asses up!" We hear Bucky shout, and I roll my eyes, getting off the bed with Steve's help, and we head to the bathroom to freshen up. 

He finishes first, and insists on using one of the other bathrooms, so he doesn't have to see me naked, and I don't argue. I allow him to be a gentleman, before I get all worked up with all the sexual tension. After getting dressed, I walk out towards the kitchen, where Steve has coffee waiting for me, and we head to the conference room together. 

Waiting for us is Bucky, Yelena, Bruce, Wanda, Vision, Sam, Clint and sadly, Sharon. We take our seats next to each other, and I rest my hand on his knee, which he smiles at. Putting his hand over mine and squeezing it gently. 

"Well, gang's all here." Yelena speaks up, and Clint sighs at her comment, pulling up photos on the tablet, and projecting it onto the screen for all of us to see. 

"This scumbag is Gabriel Dubois. Leader of a terrorist organization, set out to cause havoc. In 2 days, he will be in Chicago. Our mission is to extract him alive, copy and destroy their intel, and take down as many as his men as we can." Clint announces. 

"Nina infiltrated their Paris warehouse last year, and that made Dubois very upset, to say the least. So he will try to make anything he does very public, and it is our job to not let that happen." He adds, and I take a moment to look at the photo on the screen. Recognizing him from the files Steve showed me, but unable to recall him otherwise. 

"Steve, Nina, Buck, Yelena, Sam and Sharon, we head out in the morning to set up at the safe house, and I will take point for our mission. Understood?" Clint asks, and we all nod. 

"Great, pack it up, I will see you all tomorrow morning on the jet." Clint walks out with Bruce, working the plans on the mission, as everyone else stays put at the table. 

"Well, I will see everyone tomorrow." Sharon stands, and she flashes a smile at Steve who flashes one back, and I sit there smiling at her too, just to annoy her. 

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