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10 Days After Part Two

"You know nothing about how I feel!" I shout, throwing a glass, filled with tequila against the wall. 

I feel a bright light shining through my eyelids, and I squint to adjust to it. Blinking continuously until my vision clears. I only see Wanda, beside me sitting in a chair, her fingers near my head, and I turn to her. 

"Thought you were going to stay out of my head Wanda." I comment, and she shrugs her shoulders, smiling at me. I use the hospital bed remote beside me to sit up further, immediately recognizing where I am. 

"Couldn't help it, I was curious." Wanda explains, and I chuckle. 

"What happened? I'm surprised everyone isn't hovering my every move." 

"I sent them away. Told them, the last thing you wanted is a swarm of men around you." Wanda answers and I smirk at her for how right she is. 

"You passed out. Steve brought you here. You're fine, just caused by stress, lack of sleep, and being overwhelmed." She adds, and I nod. 

"How's Steve?" I ask, feeling guilty that he's having to deal with this all over again. 

"Worried." Wanda confirms, and I sigh. "You're getting your memories back aren't you?" She brings up and I sigh, but she tilts her head at me, looking for an honest answer. 

"I thought they were dreams at first. Then, I kept seeing them when I was awake. It comes in waves, flashes even." I answer, and she nods. 

"Wanda, be honest. How bad was I when Nat died?" I ask, and she clears her throat. 

"Pretty bad." She answers chuckling, and I laugh with her, then calm back down. 

"Show me." I insist, and she furrows her eyebrows at me. "Show me the memories." I explain, and she shakes her head. 

"I don't think that's a good idea." 

"Wanda, please." I beg, and she sighs, then sits up, leaning towards me and rests her hand near the side of my head. I close my eyes, and take deep breath. 

"You're a drunk!" Clint yells at me, and I smile, tilting the bottle of vodka in my mouth. 

My clear vision of Clint disappears, then switches over to something new as if I were switching channels on a tv. 

"Fuck you! I don't need any of you!" I shout, and the vision moves to show me who I'm yelling at.  Wanda, Clint, Bruce, and Bucky. All looking so disappointed in me, and sad for me. 

Switching over to another memory, instead, it wasn't as clear as the others. It showed a pretty view of New York, at an unknown location for me, and I feel warmth around me, looking down at a hand caressing me. 

"My sister didn't care for me, so why the hell should I care about her? She's dead!" I shout, throwing a glass at a wall, and I see Bucky standing right in front of me, with his jaw clenched, tears in his eyes. 

"The hell she did! All she did was care for you and Yelena!" Bucky shouts back at me. 

I feel my body jerk, and I wake back up to reality, breathing heavily, and Wanda with pity in her eyes. 

"Wanda, I am so sorry." I apologize, and she puts her hand over mine, rubbing my hand with her thumb. 

"You were grieving." Wanda tries to defend my actions and I shake my head. 

"I feel like I still am. For me, Natasha died just a few days ago, when it's been over a year." I explain, and Wanda opens her mouth, but closes it when Steve walks in.  

"Hey, you're awake." Steve starts, rushing over to my side, and holding my hand. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I reassure him, and he takes a seat next to me. 

"I'll let you two talk." Wanda informs, and we both smile at her before she walks out. 

"I think it's best if I move back into the compound." I bring up, and Steve widens his eyes a little. 

"Um, yeah. If that's what you want." Steve comments, and I smirk at him, putting my hand back with his. 

"I was hoping you were still up for moving back with me, like we talked about. You know, before I forgot everything." I add, and he smiles, looking back up at me. 

"Sounds like a plan." Steve agrees, and I smile. 

"I really appreciate you being so patient with me." I add on. 

"Of course." 

"I still don't know why you wanted to date me though. Sharon Carter seems more like your type, if I'm honest." I comment, and he chuckles. 

"I never told you this, but Bucky and Sam asked me to keep an eye on you since we lived close to each other." Steve mentions, and I turn my body a little towards him. 

"Sounds like you did more than just keep an eye on me." I tease him, and he hides his face behind his hand.

"To be fair, you came onto me." Steve defends, and I pretend to be shocked. 

"Don't act like you never thought about it." I add, and he nods to agree. 

"Okay, you caught me there." He comments, and I smile. 

"How about I get out of this sad bed, and you can make me some food. I'm starving." I insist, and I throw the blanket off of me, taking Steve's hand. As I'm about to walk out, Steve swoops me up, and carries me into my room. I laugh, but don't argue. I hope no one saw that happening though. 

"Figured you'd want to shower or at least change." He explains, and I get down from his arms, and nod. 

"I'll meet you in the kitchen in a few." 

After I shower, changing into a pair of leggings, and a sports bra from my assigned room, I find Steve quietly cursing to himself as he's trying to whip something up on the stove. 

"You can't cook, can you?" I ask aloud, and Steve turns around quickly, and almost drops the pan. I chuckle, and walk around the island to help him. 

"Hey, I tried. A grilled cheese for the hungry girl." Steve mentions, and I look down at plate, a sad attempt. The bread was misaligned with the cheese, and slightly burned, and I smile. 

"Very sweet of you to try Cap." I tease him, as he watches me take a bite into the grilled cheese, and I chew my bite, nodding at the decency of the taste. Putting up the sandwich to his mouth, I watch as he hesitates to take a bite, but I push it towards his mouth more, and he smiles before taking a giant bite and we both laugh, wiping off a crumb off of his face. 

"Hello love birds." We hear behind us, and I clear my throat, taking a step away from Steve without realizing, and he looks down at me, realizing it too, and I look up at my sister, who's in the fridge and grabs a water. 

"I'll wait for you in the car." Steve informs me, and I nod. Watching him walk away from us, looking back at me and smiling, before almost running into the wall. I chuckle, and refocus on my sister who's smirking at me. 

"What?" I ask her and she leans against the island. 

"You love him." She answers, and I scoff. 

"I barely know the guy. Well, remember him at least." Yelena raises her eyebrows at me, and I sigh. "I don't know okay, I just know that he's hot, and he's nice." I explain, my sister laughing at my inability to realize my emotions. 

"All I know is that, the way you look at him now, is the way you've always looked at him. So, that should mean something." 

"Yeah, yeah. I'll see you tomorrow." I add, and I wave to her as I walk towards the elevator. 

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