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21 Days After Part Two

Nina's POV

I don't know how long I was out for, but I woke up and had no idea where I was. I sat up abruptly, and realized I was in a moving car. Rubbing my eyes, I watch as Yelena drives intensely. 

"Good, you're awake. We're almost there." Yelena speaks up, glancing at me, and then focusing back on the road. 

"What the hell happened?" I ask, adjusting my seat so I could sit up more. 

"What's the last thing you remember?" She asks, and I rub my temples, trying to think back. Then, I remember my mission with Yelena. 

"I was in a fight, you were telling me to get out of the building and then... Just waking up in this car with you." I answer, and she shrugs. 

"Sounds about right." 

"Yelena, what's going on? Why aren't we going back to the safe house?" I start checking my pockets, and there's nothing. I don't have any of the equipment I had on, and there's no sign of my phone. 

"Relax, it will all make sense when you get to Pepper's." I furrow my brows at my sister, and she parks insanely at an airport strip. She runs out the car, and I follow. I watch as she grabs a duffle bag from the back seat and throws it to me, pointing at the jet. 

"What about you?" I ask, and she smirks. 

"I've got business to handle." She answers, and I hesitate to follow orders until Yelena speaks up again.

"Ty mne doveryayesh'?" Do you trust me? 

"Of course I do." I answer, and she nods, and motions me to get on the jet.

I walk up the steps, taking one last look at my sister. I whistle, and she whistles back to me. I take the last few steps onto the jet and make my way to the pilot's seat. The coordinates are already set to Pepper and Morgan's cabin, and I adjust everything and take off. 

It was a lengthy flight. Alone, and quiet. So many scenarios flooded my brain while I had the jet on auto pilot. If anyone knew what was going on, if Yelena and Pepper were the only ones that knew what was happening. I rub my eyes trying to stay awake, yawning, and then finally I set up to land. I checked the local time, and it was 3am, getting the duffle bag and walking off the jet, Pepper was waiting for me on the front porch. 

"Hi sweetie." She greets me, and pulls me in for a quick hug, leading me inside. 

"Pep, what's going on?" I quietly ask, and she sighs.

"Why don't we talk about it in the morning? Are you hungry?" Pepper suggests, and I put my hand over my stomach and nod. I've been so focused on what the hell is happening, and getting here that I realized I haven't ate in like 24 hours. 

Pepper gets leftovers out from the fridge and sets them out on the kitchen island for me, and a few plates. 

"Have whatever you like. You know where everything is." Pepper offers, and I smile at her. 

"Thanks, goodnight." I add, and she smiles before making her way upstairs. I wait until I hear her door shut before I start making myself a plate. 

After I finish eating, I put my dish in the sink, and spot a picture of Pepper with Morgan and Tony, and pick it up. I smile, before giving a sad smile and put it back down. I pick up my bag and walk towards the stairs when I see Tony's computer in the room nearby. I'm fighting the urge to walk over there and see about any information I could find, but Yelena asked me to trust her, so I will. 

I walk upstairs, and drop my bag by the guest room before walking to Morgan's room and slowly cracking the door open. I smile when I see her sound asleep, clutching a stuffed giraffe, and look around her room. Spotless, probably from Pepper being her mom, and spot the personal trampoline on her floor. The little trampoline Steve got her, and I purse my lips. I shut the door quietly, and go into the guest bedroom. 

Opening the duffle bag, I see clothes, all of my passports, cash, and fake identities. Yawning again, I take a quick, hot shower, and get into the bed, falling asleep so fast. 

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