Strings and Apologies

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I'm over it.

I'll get over it, I mean. Eventually.

I haven't seen nor spoken to Sadie the rest of the night.

The first thing I did after leaving was call Oliver and tell him about it.

I would've called Penelope to de-stress, but you know. Shit happened.

And that's where I spent the rest of the day, and made sure that I wasn't coming home until late night.

"That's fucked up, mate" Oliver said "And here I thought Sadie really liked you"

I scoffed.

"We thought otherwise" I said before taking a sip from my beer, when I realized what Oliver said "Wait, what do you mean? Did she say anything to you?"

"I mean, we talked about you after Harry's party and that's what I concluded from her story" Oliver answered

"Story? Wait, did she already tell you about this?" I asked, but Oliver shook his head.

"Not about that part" Oliver answered "Just the part about how things went down with you two and by the looks of it, she sounded like she really liked you"

"Huh" I said as I looked away and we sat in silence for a while.

I wasn't mad at Sadie.

I wanted the sexual relationship with her and I didn't want to date anyone. I absolutely had no problem with her using me. This wasn't some cliche' early 2000s movie where the main character gets disappointed over finding out that he/she's been used by the love interest to make an ex jealous.

If I'm mad at anyone, it's at Penelope.

She wasted such an amazing person and I unknowingly was helping her hurt said person.

I guess I was just disappointed that the first girl I ever fell for didn't feel the same. That's it.

And that was made so evident when I came home slightly tipsy as I dragged myself to my room, and Sadie never came to my room to apologize or talk to me or something.

That's just how life works, I guess.

I was ready to forgive Sadie but I wasn't ready to speak to her yet, so the next day, my friends and I decided to play ball early morning to take my mind off things.

"I know you're heartbroken, but you don't have to be a pussy and play like shit" Noah said as he dribbled the ball in front of me while I was attempting to block him from passing the ball to Harry.

"Fuck you, Noah" I said with a laugh before stealing the ball and running to shoot it on my and Oliver's ring.

Afterwards, we headed to some diner to get some breakfast.

As we talked and laughed, the smile on Harry and Oliver's face began fading as they looked behind me.

"What?" Noah asked before we both turned around.

Sure enough, Penelope just walked in and spotted us.

Great. Just the last person I wanted to see right now.

"She's coming over she's coming over" Harry said in a low tone as he leaned down and covered the side of his face.

"Hey guys" Penelope said from beside me. I sucked in a deep breath, while the three flashed her weak smiles and muttered their 'heys'. "Do you mind if... um..."

The three looked at me then looked at her

"I don't think that's a good idea right now, P" Harry said, making me slightly nod at him.

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