Chapter 8

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Ellie's POV

I was in the balcony sitting on a swing which was attached to the ceiling looking at the scenery which was amazing , when is Ezra going to come? Shouldn't I be ready before he comes? Well then better go and pick out a outfit 

With that in my mind I went to the direction where my closet is . That's when I heard someone knock the door. I headed towards it and opened the door to A vampire with violet hair and violet eyes . I didn't know who she is . So before I could ask her that she spoke 

''Is Ezra here?'' she asked looking around the room to see if he's there. ''Um no he is not here yet'' I said nervously . ''Oh are you his new pet ?'' she asked excitedly ''Y-Y-es'' I stuttered ''And may I ask who  you are?'' I asked as I still don't know who she is ''Oh I am the princess of the Vincent family '' ''Do you know when he gets here?'' she asked again  ''Uh I am not sure'' I replied

''Well then that gives me plenty of time'' she said smiling cunningly ''Plenty o-of time f-or what?'' I spoke very frightened ''Oh don't act so innocent you know why pets are kept don't you?'' With that she pounced on me suddenly I was pined to the floor I couldn't , move her fangs were already in my neck she was sucking my blood . Soon I lost my consciousness I could see from my blurry vision her leaving the room as if nothing happened 

Ezra's POV

I was walking through the hall heading towards my room as soon as I reached the door I picked up a different smell It wasn't Ellie's not any of my brothers not the guards ,It was Violet's why was she here? How did she reach here faster than me? Oh right vampire speed . I opened the door The sent of blood hit my nose .Blood? Blood? I saw Ellie lying  on the floor unconscious . I became so worried Ugh that bastard she took Ellie's blood and didn't even close the wound I should have come sooner . I went straight to the bathroom grabbed the first aid kit and ran towards her slowly I put her head on my lap closed the wound and put a bandage on it she should wake up in a few minutes. So I sat with her head still on lap waiting patiently for her to wake up . I could feel her move slowly opening her eyes . 

Ellie's POV 

Ugh my head hurts . I slowly opened my eyes adjusting them to the light , I got up suddenly saw starts and feel down into his lap. He put his hand around my torso and the other under my knee lifting me up and putting me on the bed . Then he said beside me ''so he started ''what happened?'' he asked worry seen in his face ''Well a girl came in searching for you and the next thing I knew she pined me to the floor sucking my blood'' I said trying to recall everything

''Does it hurt a lot?'' he asked ''Yeah but not as much as before'' I said with a small smile That seemed to relive him a bit . But why is he so worried bout me? I mean I am just a pet after all

A/N :Hope you enjoyed see ya


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