Who could ever love a monster like me

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A soft but persistent knock on my door announces Wanda's arrival. I give myself one last look in the mirror before I let her in. A little bit of dark mascara and my favorite red lipstick is all I need to make men and women their heads go crazy. "Hi there Nat!" Wanda says with a happy voice as she enters my apartment. "Hi Wands." She walks towards my TV and holds out a couple of blu rays. "So I wasn't really sure what you wanted to do tonight, but you said you wanted to have some fun so I brought some movies we can watch." She turns around with a spin to face me, and shows me what she is holding in her other hand. "And I have a bottle of vodka to go with it. The good one you like from that small Russian store." With a sweet smile she puts the stuff down on my coffee table. For a moment my heart wells up but I suppress it. Lust, that's all this is. After tonight it will all be over. I can see Wanda checking me out and a cute blush appears on her cheeks. She sees the make-up I'm wearing, my black leather pants and the red satin blouse. "Oh god, Nat. Did you mean you wanted to go out? I'm sorry, I misunderstood your message. I'm not dressed for that at all, but if you give me a couple of minutes I can fix it." I can see her swallow as she rushes to the door, but the moment she passes me I grab her wrists and turn her around, so her back is against the wall. I put my lips close to her ear and whisper: "No, I don't want to go out." If I'm not mistaken I can see Wanda shiver when hearing my words. "I had another kind of fun in mind." My prey her pupils are dilated. "What kind of fun Nat?" She asks as innocently as possible. I give a soft kiss on her neck, adding a little bite. In response a soft moan leaves her lips. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I take a step back. "Does it look like I'm sure?" Placing my hand on my hips I give her a seductive smile. "You'll regret saying that." As soon as the words leave her mouth her eyes get the trusty red color, and I can feel myself flying backwards. With a soft moan I land with my back on the bed, and immediately Wanda is sitting on top of me, sinking her elbows in the mattress on either side of my head.

This was not my intention, I don't like giving up control and she knows it. For some reason I had expected Wanda to be a submissive bed partner, but seeing how the situation is going right now I have to admit that I was probably wrong. Very wrong. "Relax Natalia, let me take care of you." Natalia... I'm not even sure how she knows my real name but it doesn't matter. She leans closer to me and starts trailing kisses down my exposed neck. Without intending it, I can feel myself arching willingly into her touch. A small bite in my earlobe follows and before I know it her lips are hovering over mine. I want her to kiss me but I'm too proud to admit that. Her hands hover over my sides, lower and lower, but when I try to move my arms to grab a hold of hers I notice that I can't. As I take a look I can see that red strings of her magic are keeping me in place. This is absolutely not going as I had planned. "Do you want me to kiss you?" Her voice is but a whisper, and stubborn as I am I'm keeping my mouth shut. "Come on, I know you want to." I squeeze my eyes at her but the only response I get is that she gives me an amused chuckle. There are her lips again, hovering over mine. I smell her breath and I can't deny that all of this is making me very horny. I raise my chest up as much as I can with my hands tied down, and whisper in her ear: "Release me and I'll show you how much I want to." For a moment the red of her eyes is even deeper, it seems that my words are doing as much damage to her as her actions are doing to me. After staring at me a moment in doubt, a twitch of her fingers releases my binds. Immediately I flip her over so that I'm the one on top. Not wasting any more time teasing I press my lips against hers. Without hesitation she opens her mouth to let me in and lets out a soft sigh. My hands pin her wrists above her head, and with my knee I open her legs so that I can put some pressure against her crotch. Immediately Wanda's hips buck up, trying to relieve herself. "Tssss, patience little witch." I whisper against her ear and I can see her shiver in response.

I have never had the pleasure of getting an orgasm while having sex with a partner. The lessons the red room thought us about sex being something to never enjoy was buried deep inside of me. It was used as punishment, as a way to get to your goal, to complete the mission. Even though I did manage to enjoy myself with both men and women, I had never gotten to that point. All of the orgasms I have had were giving to me by me, sometimes with help of my trusty vibrator. And even that didn't always go as smoothly as I would want it to. I'm not expecting tonight to be any different, and that's okay. I get my joy out of seeing her wriggle around in please and I'll finish the job afterwards when I'm alone. Or not.

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