Chapter :25~♥~

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Is being weak wrong? Why do people make fun of those people who are weak?  That's what he has been thinking.

He doesn't want anything from anyone  nor in his dreams.  From being a kid to an adult all he ever dreamed about is having a mate who loves him and being a mother of little pups, living with them in a small house. Is that too much to dream or desire? But then again who cares for him. He knows very well how cruel this world is . Because  this world only cares about beauty, money and power.  They will blame you for every bad things, they will play with your feelings. They are just leeches who will stole your happiness just like it sucks blood.

This is what Taehyung has been thinking, while everybody in his class blaming him , telling him that he is a curse which is why his pack got destroyed.

He needs someone , so he can feel safe. He is getting anxious because all of commotion, he doesn't know how much can he control himself from getting anxious. Just then he comes out of his thoughts by loud voice——

      Jimin ‘pov’:

We had arrived at our university---- Tae had already left for class.  I & my mates are in washroom, doing some naughty stuff ;)

Then I noticed only two minutes are left for class to begin.  I hurriedly inform them, we somehow managed to compose ourselves and left for our class.

When I went there– the scene in front of me made my blood boil.

“What the hell do you think you are doing? ” I shouted at them making everyone look at me.

I made my way towards Tae who sitting there letting out small whimpers because of these pathetic people who only know to bully weak people. 

My expression immediately soften.  I sit beside him & hold his soft hands.

“Hey it's okay Taetae ! Nobody is gonna harm you , see Hyungie is here.. ” I said , making him look at me with his glossy eyes.

“h-hyung-gie ” he let out in a very low voice.

“Why are you helping him Jimin-shi?  Don't you know because of him his pack got destroyed. He is nothing but a bad luck,  you should also stay away from him.  He will only bring you bad luck. ” A stupid alpha said making me want to tear him apart.

Before I could say my mate already came near him digging his wolf nails in his neck making him and whole class gasp .

“do you know what bad luck is --- I can show you, you know ” Yoongi whisper to him.

“Y-you will f-face con-consequences, le-leave me. ” that stupid Alpha said making me and Hoseok to laugh.

Hoseok came & stand beside me— said “Do you really think you are in any position to threaten us.  You know we can kill each one of you in just two minutes then also you have audacity to threaten us. Are you really a fool ?” his words made everyone one gulp in fear.

I am feeling proud at my mates. ---- Yoongi just let out a chuckle.

“le-leave me ple-please.” stupid Alpha said.

“this was all you have got. If you really care for your life then don't you dare to come near them. Do you get it huh?. ” he said.

“Ye-yeah I will not come near them. ”

“You better be. ”with that he take out his bloodied nails from his neck which makes Alpha fall on ground by holding his neck . He somehow managed to run away from class.

“And you people don't you dare to mess or bully anyone,  You know it very well what will happen.---- Now go back to your sits, show is finish. ”

With that everyone left from there.  These people are pathetic.

“Are you okay Tae? ” Yoongi asked with soft voice making me and Hoseok shocked because he never talk with someone in soft voice expect us.

“I-I 'm fi-fine Hyungie. ” he let out looking at him puppies eyes, making me and Hoseok coo ~ at him.

Yoongi raised his hand to pat him making Tae flinch because of some blood on his hand.

I gave Yoongi a warning look making him smile sheepishly and he run away from there to wash his hand.

“He could have pat me from other hand Mochie hyung. ” he said with innocence.

That's how day starts . We somehow managed to finish our rest of the classes.

       Third person ‘pov’:

After completing their classes everyone reached at their pack house.

When they entered, they heard some laughing, talking sounds from living room.

They saw everyone is sitting there smiling at a girl which was sitting next to Jungkook leaning on him.

They all stand there looking at them in confusion while one with a sad smile.

“Oh! They are finally here. ” Alpha said making everyone turned to us and that girl also.

She smiles at us and stand up – makes her way to us with a cringe smile. I quickly hold Tae's hand hiding him behind me.

She come and stand in front of us --- said —

“Hii!  I'm Irene Jungkook's mate,  An Alpha. ”

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Which making three of us shocked and making Tae hold my hand tightly .


Hi Dear cookies !

Thank you so much for giving so much love to this story.

I'm sorry for being extremely late.

I hope you will also love this chapter.

I will update next chapter very soon till then enjoy.


               💜💜Purple you💜💜

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