𝟎𝟎. 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞

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❝I decided as long as I'm going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly

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❝I decided as long as I'm going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly.❞

In spite of everything that had happened between the two, Annicka still loved Jasper. As the years passed her mind had grown distant, hateful even. But her heart remained pure, pure with love for not just him but their whole family. Jasper often had to remind the others that even if hate and spite was what Anncika expressed it wasn't what she felt. 

Prior to Bella Annicka had been the closest to Edward, but now that the Swan girl was in the picture, Annicka had seemed back to that which was familiar, in this case meaning Jasper. He had been by her side for her entire existence, and she found comfort in the fact that he loved her too, even if it wasn't in the way she had once hoped for. Annicka had stopped dreaming about a happy relationship with Jasper a long time ago. Since they met Alice to be exact, the girl loved Alices high spirit and her willingness to open her arms to just about anyone, of course her logic hated this about the girl, but to her heart it was welcome change from the rest of the 'kids' in the family.

Anyhow it wasn't an unusual sight to see Annicka glued to Jaspers side with a scowl on her face, while Alice was beaming while holding his other hand. So no one seemed to care more than usual when that's how the three entered the cafeteria, Alice steering them towards the table that held Bellas very human friends.

"I've decided to throw a party," Alice announced as she sat down, Jasper taking up the seat next to her, and Annicka the one between Jasper and Jessica. The scowl stayed prominent on her features as Jasper added "after all, how many times are we going to graduate high school" Edward slightly snickered at that before the human, Angela Webber asked if it was a party at the Cullens place. 

Annicka sent her a sarcastic smile, "where the hell would it else be?" she snapped at the girl whose smile instantly fell, Jasper sent her a scolding look, he couldn't even sent her calming emotions because the hate purely existed in the girls mind and not in her emotions.

"I've never seen your house," Jessica Stanley said, her voice alone made Annicka want to tear out her jugular, but she remained seated and silent, "no ones ever seen their house," Eric stated. "another party Alice, really?" Edward asked, worry evident in his tone, "it'll be fun" Alice exclaimed, voice full of excitement, "yeah, that's what you said last time," Bella reminded the vampire, her comment would've made Annicka smirk if it hadn't been for the fact that Alice completely zoned out after Bellas remark.

By the look on the younger vampires face, the future didn't look too good.

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