𝟎𝟐. 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐚𝐲

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❝Life is a quest and love is a quarrel❞

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❝Life is a quest and love is a quarrel❞

- Edna St. Vincent Millay


The sight of her kept running through his mind on their way back to Sams place. So perfect yet in all the wrong ways. Her skin had no texture, her cheeks weren't red from running. Her cold, cold eyes were stuck in his mind, her delicate hands, he could imagine holding them and feeling nothing but a rock hard and stone cold skin, like marble is what had been described to him. 

It made Paul shutter in disgust, he knew he hadn't been perfect, he knew his uncontrollable anger more often than not gravely affected people, you could just take the time he had almost killed Isabella Swan, but this? he surely hadn't deserved this! A cold one, a. Vampire. (His stomach turned at the thought of the word) for an imprint. No. he couldn't, it was wrong! disgusting and wrong, she was disgusting and wrong, an abomination of nature (not that he wasn't, but he found the she was more so)

No one dared think, no one except him, not even Sam. Because deep down they all agreed with Paul this was wrong, they couldn't invite her into the pack, they couldn't let her near the other imprints. Bella had told them about the Cullens, and from what they could make out (by the fact that she had blonde hair and not golden hair like Rosalie) she had to be the one named Annicka, also known as the most ruthless, coldhearted and down right cruel Cullen, by the words of the human vampire lover, Bella had even mentioned that Annicka had attacked her once when she got a paper cut on her birthday. Besides Sam had met her a few times, and he had agreed with Bella that she was indeed quite the bitch.

Annicka. The name rang in his head, something in him couldn't help but think it was a pretty name, but Paul simply growled at the thought and sped up. He hated her, he didn't know her but he hated her - he would always hate her.


They were all completely silent as they entered the home, the air was tense. No one dared say anything before Annicka finally burst "what the actual fuck Emmett," "Annicka-" Carlisle tried, "No! you could've been killed you understand that right?" she started, "and because of you" she stuck an accusing finger towards his chest "Victoria got away, meaning that she has free reign to go kill Isabella, in which case her blood will not only be on her hands, it'll be on ours!" She concluded. The room went silent again, obviously none of them had thought of it like that, they all looked at her with sorrowful looks, she had more blood on her hands than almost all of them combined.

"oh don't give me that shit," she exclaimed referring to the looks they were giving her, "I can handle a little bit of blood on my hands, but frankly I don't think any of you can stomach it," She was right none of them could stomach it, but she was also lying, because neither could she.

The phone rang disturbing the silence following Annickas little outburst. "it's Sam," Carlisle informed them, he picked up. "Good evening Sam," Carlisle politely greeted the shifter, his politeness made Annicka scoff, they were in deep shit, and Carlisle pretended it was just another regular Tuesday or something. 

"I need to speak with you," Sams voice sounded on the other end of the line - straight to the point, a man of few words - Annicka respected that. "I figured," Carlisle said, voice still calm and collected, "I'll meet you at the treaty line by the road in five minutes. Bring the blonde" Sam finished before hanging up, Annicka had a bewildered look on her face as she pointed to herself, there were several blondes in the family after all, Carlisle nodded at her, he seemed to know more about what was going on in that moment than any of the others did. God she missed Edward in that moment, he never shut up about what other people were thinking, and right about now she'd like to know what was going through Carlisles head.

The two vampires left the house almost immediately, Annicka could feel her nerves going haywire, there was a feeling in the pit of her stomach, one she couldn't name. She thought back to the beginning of the evening, to the eyes of that wolf that had attacked Emmett, it's eyes were cutting through her soul, as if it knew her personally from a seconds eye contact.

It made sense now, but she didn't wish to admit it, the feeling in the pit of her stomach, her nerves even if Annicka was never nervous, the look Carlisle had sent her when she had wordlessly asked if she was the one Sam wanted to see. The wolf that had looked so deeply into her eyes and soul was her mate, her soulmate as she preferred to call it, her one true love - yes, fate had truly fucked everything up this time.


It had been exactly five minutes when the two immortals showed up at the treaty line, Sam was already there along with the two elders, Billy Black and old Quil, of course Annicka had never met any of the two she had only heard Billy Black mentioned by name at junior prom when Jacob had delivered his fathers message to Bella about staying away from Edward for twenty bucks.

Now old Quil she didn't even know the name of until Carlisle introduced him, and Sam she had met once before, Carlisle liked to include her in his business with the alpha, seeing as he meant it would be healthy for the eldest of his daughters to expand her horizon and let go of her many prejudiced ways. Something she would most certainly need to do now if Carlisle was right about his theory as to why Sam had called them, little did he know that Annicka already knew why they were here.

"Sam," Carlisle greeted ever so polite. "Carlisle," Sam acknowledged, the alpha turned to Annicka and greeted her too, she simply nodded at him, she knew when to put her rude habits behind her and behave herself. 

"Are you aware of why Sam called?" it was Billy Black who spoke then, Annicka had already decided she didn't like him - who was he to meddle with Bella and Edwards relationship? he didn't even know Edward. Annicka took them all by surprise when she nodded, "he's my mate." She simply stated, this got questioning looks from the wolf people, "Us vampires have what we call a 'mate', it is essentially a soulmate, someone that we are destined to be with," Carlisle elaborated, the elders and the alpha nodded along, "Paul imprinted on Annicka" Sam stated, once again straight to the point. This time it was Annicka turn to be confused, what the hell did imprint mean?

Seeing the confused expression on her face Sam went on to explain, "it's also like finding your soulmate, only much more intense. It's like up until that moment it's been gravity holding you to the earth, but as your eyes meet hers it's no longer gravity, it's her. the world stops turning and she's all that matters."

"Well that was... a colorful explanation." Annicka started. "so how do one reject this imprint thing" she went on to ask, everyones eyes went wide, "you. you can't" stuttered old Quil, "I can sure as hell do whatever I please, and I'm more than certain this Paul wolf feels exactly the same" Annicka argued, "She's right" sounded a new voice from the edge of the woods, she recognized his eyes, it was him. "I don't want a leech for my imprint, so how do we reject it?" he sneered. "Paul-" Sam warned, Billy Black was the next to speak, "you don't, you simply accept it and thereby each other" he stated. Annicka scoffed, "over my burning corpse," she expressed her distaste, before leaving the scene.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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