8. The reunion...

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Zhan was fixing himself and Yubin some breakfast when his doorbell rang. Yubin, who was sleeping on the sofa woke up and groaned at the piercing sound all thanks to the killer hangover he had and Zhan handed him a glass of water and a tablet before walking to the door. His eyebrows were furrowed because it was still early and he wasn't expecting anyone. Zhan opened the door but his vision turned dark immediately and all he felt was blinding pain. "Ahhhhh!!", he screamed covering his face and following his cry of pain a feminine voice was heard. "A-Cheng!! You promised me!". Delicate hands supported Zhan's body and Yubin also came to his side pressing a tissue to his busted lip. "You actually came back. I had to give you a reunion gift. I am glad you like it." Zhan's shoulder was pushed as the man walked into the house and threw a bag on the sofa before sitting down, all while glaring at Zhan. "Bastard", Zhan muttered but the man only scowled not an ounce of remorse on his face. Dark spots vanished from his vision and Zhan saw the small hands supporting him that belonged to his beautiful Shijie. "Shijie", he whispered softly, his eyes burning with tears and a heartbeat later Zhan was in his sister's embrace. "My A-Zhan. You came back. I missed you." "I missed you so much, Shijie", he mumbled against her shoulder and Xuan Lu cried on his. "Thank God you are fine. Why did you take so long, A-Zhan? I was so worried about you." She said the words crying, barely able to restrain her fear and relief and Zhan tightened his arms around her letting his emotions break free. "It...h- hurts, Shijie. I...I couldn't take it. I am so sorry. I messed everything up." Xuan Lu held onto his trembling form as Zhan let out all of his pain and shame through his tears.

It wasn't just heartbreak that had him hiding away in Chonqing. There was guilt as well. Guilt for all the trouble he had caused to the people who loved him. If there was a way to go back three years, Zhan would go back and make sure that his Shijie and A-Cheng didn't suffer for his deeds. They had lost almost everything only because they were kind to Xiao Zhan. Wang Yi Lun was not a man you crossed. Zhan had learned his lesson a little too late and by then, Xuan Lu and Zhuocheng had lost the company their father had built from the ground. Yibo's uncle had been ruthless as he tore apart their family business and he had made sure Zhan knew that he was the reason for it. Zhan held onto his sister as he apologized again and again and she patted his back in reassurance, telling him that it wasn't his fault. "All that matters is that you are back with us, A-Zhan. Now let me take a good look at you. You are even more handsome but my A-Zhan has lost weight." Zhan laughed as his Shijie pulled his cheeks. There was a sense of security Zhan felt with his Shijie. She was both a sister and a mother to him and Zhan felt happy beyond words on being around her again. He carelessly wiped his face and winced at the pain the action brought. "You didn't have to hit me that hard, you know?" Zhan muttered looking at Zhuocheng but the man only glared at him. "Of course I had to. Be thankful that Jie is here. You wouldn't have left this house alive if it wasn't for her." Zhan believed every word that left his brother's mouth. Honestly, Zhan was surprised Zhuocheng had controlled himself. His brother was as hot-headed as they came and he didn't deal with emotions well. When he had started living with the Jiangs, Zhan had thought Zhuocheng hated him. The man didn't share his toys with Zhan, never spoke softly and didn't let Zhan tag along when he was out playing. Zhan's five-year old brain didn't realize that Zhuocheng just didn't want him in trouble. The toys were a little dangerous for him and the boys A-Cheng played with were all ten or eleven years old, far too strong for a tiny Xiao Zhan. Growing up together, Zhan had slowly realised how protective and caring Zhoucheng was and how difficult it was for him to show it. He knew how much Zhuocheng cared for him and that is what made Zhuocheng's reaction fair.

"Do you plan on hating me forever?", he asked with a sigh but A-Cheng heard the bitterness tainting his voice. "I plan on getting you away from the Wangs as fast as fucking possible. We met Wang Haikuan and he was kind enough to tell us what exactly is going on with you. We don't want the company shares and we don't need your sacrifice. Pack your bags. I am taking you back to Chonqing." Zhan's eyes widened when he saw the serious look on Zhuocheng's face. Was Zhuocheng really planning on it? "I am not sacrificing anything", he argued and Zhuocheng's lips thinned. "Wang Yibo has done enough damage, Xiao Zhan. You aren't getting involved in this mess again. His brother has the best doctors at his disposal and Yibo's fiancée will give Yibo the emotional support he needs. You are no one to him and that is why you shouldn't have agreed to this stupidity in the first place. You are leaving. You aren't needed here." The harsh words were true and Zhan knew that. He was no one to Yibo, he never would be. There was no point in getting his heart broken again. He knew all of it but still a traitorous part of his heart ached with the mere thought of being away from Wang Yibo. Zhan was sick. Sick because even after everything he loved Yibo and couldn't see him suffering. Zhan couldn't leave Yibo like this. He was going to tell Zhuocheng to calm down and explain the matter but he stopped when he heard a voice from behind him. "I am afraid I can't let him leave, Zhuocheng."

The deep voice had everyone's head turning to the door and Haikuan stood there with Yingpei, a deep frown on his face. The man walked in and gave a nod of acknowledgement to Xuan Lu. Zhuocheng was glaring daggers at the man while Zhan gave a small smile to the man. "You aren't welcome here", Zhuocheng glowered at Haikuan but Kuan stood his ground. "I understand your concerns but I can't let Zhan leave. I know we aren't worthy enough for your brother's care anymore, Zhuocheng. But, we still are asking for his forgiveness and his help. Yibo needs him more than ever. I told you how bad things are. Yibo is your friend too, Cheng. How can you let him suffer this way?" "The same way you let my brother suffer, Wang Haikuan", Zhuocheng snapped. "I should have never supported Yibo and his relationship. Your brother and my friend,Wang Yibo did nothing but hurt Xiao Zhan. What did you do when Xiao Zhan was humiliated again and again by your uncle? Where were you when my brother was forced to accept Yibo's betrayal to him? You silently let everyone bully him, let Yibo hurt him and you were only satisfied when he was utterly broken. Three years...three years, Haikuan. That's how long me and my family grieved. My sister cried every fucking day to sleep and I and Yubin tore the streets apart searching for him. How will you ever compensate for it? You think that this company is worth more than Zhan to us? We don't need any of it. What we need is for your family to leave us alone. I won't let you use my brother this way, Kuan. I won't." Zhoucheng was heaving by the end and everyone was silent knowing Zhuocheng was right, including Haikuan. Zhan walked to Zhuocheng and wrapped his arms around his brother with tears in his eyes and Cheng let him. No matter what, Zhan was and would always be Zhuocheng's brother. There was no chance he would let anyone hurt Zhan. Cheng was ready to throw everything away if it meant Zhan would find some peace. The Wangs had taken too much from Zhan. "Leave, Kuan. Zhan doesn't deserve this. You love your brother so you should understand what I feel. You told me you considered Zhan family, don't condemn my brother to this hell." Haikuan stood there eyeing the brothers and after a moment he nodded. Xuan Lu caressed Zhan's head while Yubin gestured Kuan to head for the door. It was clear where they stood. Haikuan walked out of the house and Yingpei opened the door to the car asking where were they headed.

"Let's go to Yibo's club. I heard the Lings caused some drama there." Haikuan tapped on his screen and a minute later raised his eyes to his friend when he felt his stare. "What?" "You know they are right and I know you aren't going to back off. What are you going to do?", Yingpei asked and Haikuan glanced towards  Zhan's house, drumming his fingers over his knee. "I am going to make sure Yibo and Zhan keep meeting each other. The Jiangs can try to stop me but they won't succeed. I know they are doing what they feel is best for Zhan and I would have done the same if I was Zhoucheng. But, Zhuocheng wouldn't back off either if he was me. We both love our brothers and he understands that. He is just scared. I failed to protect Zhan before. Our uncle screwed up majorly and I could only watch on as it happened. Things are different now. If something happens between Zhan and Yibo, this time there won't be any problems. I can't back off, Yingpei. I know they belong together. Zhan loves Yibo and though Yibo doesn't remember him now, I know how essential Zhan is to him. The feelings my brother had for him, they haven't vanished. So, I will make sure they find each other again. Tell Zanjin to arrange for a party. I am going to celebrate my birthday this year. Make sure the Jiangs get the invite." "Will Zhan agree to come?", Yingpei enquired and Kuan smiled. "He will. There is something else I need you to do. Erase everything that ties Zhan to Yibo. I want Yibo to find nothing when he digs for information. Zhan was right, we can't use their past to bring Yibo back." "So what will you do?", Yingpei asked and Haikuan smiled. He had thought of a way. Something he believed will work. "You will see."

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