32. All yours, Xiao Zhan...

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Yibo's hands were shaking as he pressed the cloth to Zhan's hand, the sight of Zhan's blood making him nervous. "Yibo, let me", came a gentle voice and the cloth was taken from his hand as Xuan Lu cleaned the wound and stopped the bleeding, tying the cloth over Zhan's hand. Zhan let his sister patch him up and when it was done, he took Yibo in his arms. "It's okay", he said softly but cold air hit him when Yibo left his arms. "I WILL KILL YOU!!!", Yibo bellowed ready to rip apart the woman who made his Zhan bleed but Haikuan held him back and just then the doors to the room burst open. The officers stepped in and a team immediately came to shied the others and moved them far away from Yifei while the rest moved gently towards Yifei, telling her to throw the glass away. "Miss, drop the weapon and raise your hands in the air. No one has to get hurt in here. Please." The officer trained his gun on Yifei taking in her wide and crazy eyes. "Miss please. Drop it." The man slowly approached her and when he was close enough he skillfully grabbed her hands making her grip on the glass loosen and kicked the shard away as it landed on the floor. Her hands were cuffed and and a female officer led her out while Yifei fought them with everything in her. "LET ME GO!  Do you know who I am? Yibo!!! Yibo!! You fools, let me go!" She threatened and shouted with all her might but the officers led her out without another word. Everyone was still shaken up because of the incident and Haikuan explained the matter to the officer calmly while Xuan handed them his phone showing them what he had recorded. The party was officially over and everyone's face was displaying anger at what had happened tonight.

"Yibo, take Zhan home. I will handle things here and drop by tomorrow", suggested Haikuan but when he got no response from his brother Haikuan's eyes found Zhan and Zhan read the message in Kuan's eyes saying, 'Take care.' Zhan nodded and holding Yibo's hand tight, he left the club. The drive home was silent and once home, Yibo went to make some calls still avoiding Zhan and Zhan let him be. Hounding Yibo wouldn't solve anything, Zhan was going to let Yibo come to him. Yifei's words still echoed in Zhan's head as he showered, washing the stench of liquor and the day's chaos away. Zhan treated his hand and when he came out, he saw Yibo sitting on the edge of the bed, his head buried in his hands. "Still angry?", he said as he reached Yibo and when he heard no response, he wrapped his arms around Yibo. Yibo buried his head in Zhan's chest, wounding his arms around Zhan to pull him closer and Zhan dropped a kiss on top of Yibo's head, running his hands through Yibo's hair. "It's okay, Yibo. I am here. Talk to me." Zhan's hand was grabbed after a few strokes and Yibo stared at his hand, brushing the bandage with his lightly. "Is it hurting?", came the hoarse voice and Zhan shook his head. "I am fine. Are you? She scratched you", Zhan added as he stared at the red marks. "She hurt you. What do you think?", Yibo sneered and Zhan cupped Yibo's cheeks, dropping a kiss on the corner of his mouth. "I am fine but you need to be careful Mr. Wang or I might get jealous that you are thinking of someone else while I am here." When Yibo's lips didn't curve up like Zhan had hoped, Zhan got disheartened. He hated seeing Yibo like this. "I promised you, you won't get hurt", Yibo mumbled and Zhan's heart strings tugged at the pain in Yibo's voice. "Don't be stupid.", Zhan said softly and when Yibo stared in his eyes expectantly, Zhan smiled. "Whatever I said back then was true, I won't let you go this easily, Yibo. I will fight tooth and nail, fair or dirty to get you. Got it?" A soft look came on Yibo's face and Zhan's eyes fluttered close when Yibo kissed him. It was hot, possessive, demanding and Zhan loved every second of it.

Zhan climbed on Yibo's lap and lightly pushed Yibo back, hovering over him as Yibo stretched out on the bed. "You have no idea how crazy you make me, do you?", Yibo whispered against his lips and Zhan teasingly shook his head. "Tell me", Zhan rasped, his lips brushing against Yibo's jaw and neck and a hand fisted in Zhan's hair and dark eyes pinned him with their intensity. "If I don't have you, my life has no meaning, Xiao Zhan. I have said it before but I really can't live without you. It hurts to even breathe when you aren't beside me. So, don't ever leave me. I won't survive it, baobei." Tears filled Zhan's eyes at Yibo's confession but a smile graced his lips because of the joy in his heart. Instead of answering Yibo, Zhan kissed every inch of skin he could and his hands made their way down Yibo's shirt, unbuttoning the material as he went. Yibo's hands delved under his loose t-shirt, palming his back and when Yibo sucked on his neck, Zhan arched his back in pleasure. Zhan sat up and pushed Yibo's shirt off his shoulders, his hands working at Yibo's trousers and when he managed to unbuckle them, Zhan delved his hand inside to palm his lover's length. He felt the hard, hot member twitch under his touch and when Yibo moaned, Zhan swallowed those moans with his mouth. "I want you", Zhan gasped against Yibo and seconds later, Yibo hauled Zhan up to his chest before pinning Zhan beneath him.

"It has been too long. I can't hold myself back like before", Yibo murmured kissing Zhan's neck, aware of the wild need in him that would only be sated once he had Zhan. Yibo was just afraid he wouldn't be gentle and hurt his baobei. He buried his face in Zhan's throat, breathing deeply to calm his racing heart. He could wait. He wanted Zhan but he could wait if that's what Zhan needed. After the day they had had today, Yibo would be content just holding Zhan close to himself. That's all he needed. "I just need to hold you while you sleep. I will wait until you are ready", he added and was about to get off his lover when Zhan pulled him closer, kissing him breathless. "We have waited enough. I need to feel you in me", Zhan whispered with a hitched breath and Yibo was a goner. He wasn't ashamed of how greedy and selfish he was where Zhan was concerned. He all but tore the fabric off Zhan's body and his mouth engulfed a rosy nipple into his mouth making Zhan groan. The scent of Zhan's shower gel was still clinging to his skin and Yibo lapped it all up, filling his lungs with the minty scent. Hands tangled in his hair making Yibo moan as he attacked the other rosebud with same intensity. Pulling the drawstrings of Zhan's shorts, Yibo got them naked under a minute and when Zhan was exposed to him, he took a moment to stare at the stunning vision under him. All of that milky white skin, the toned muscles and that perfect face was everything out of Yibo's dreams and Yibo considered himself one lucky bastard. "I have never seen anything as beautiful as you", he spoke before he could stop himself and when Zhan turned a faint shade of pink right before his eyes, Yibo swallowed hard. "The need I have for you threatens my sanity, Xiao Zhan. I am going to lose myself and the only thing I need to keep me tethered to this world is you. Don't ever let me go", he begged and saw his baobei's beautiful smile. "I won't and neither can you. You own me, Wang Yibo." The words were what did it. Zhan sealed his fate with those words and Yibo pounced on Zhan like a man looking to sate his century old hunger. He bit and sucked until Zhan was covered in his marks and when Zhan's moans got louder, Yibo suppressed them with his mouth. Holding himself above Zhan, he thumbed the white liquid off Zhan's erection and dragged his finger down to the place, he longed to pound. The ring of muscles clenched and fluttered under his touch and Yibo watched with immense satisfaction as his fleeting touches drove Zhan crazy. Zhan bit his lips to hold back the wanton pleas and moans and Yibo smirked accepting the challenge. He palmed Zhan's length and when Zhan gasped, squirming his waist Yibo engulfed the entire length into his mouth. Zhan's back bowed at the carnal pleasure but Yibo gave him no time to adjust, sucking on the hard length and humming around the length when Zhan moaned shamelessly. His baobei didn't last long and blunt nails pricked Yibo's head as Zhan came in his mouth.

Zhan was heaving as he came down from the high peaks of pleasure Yibo pushed him to and his body turned hotter at the look of hunger on Yibo's face. Zhan lay still as Yibo came over him, covering Zhan's body with his broader, muscular one and when Yibo's hard and hungry cock throbbed against his belly, Zhan knew he was going to be sore tomorrow. He parted his legs on either side of Yibo's waist, breathing heavily in anticipation and his heart fluttered when Yibo pressed their foreheads together smiling. "Feel this?", Yibo whispered and Zhan nodded feeling the air around them buzzing with desire. "I have never felt a fraction of this passion with another, baobei. You know what that tells me?" Zhan shook his head and Yibo smiled, kissing his nose. "It tells me that all of you was meant to be mine. You were made for me, Zhan-Zhan. Without you, I am nothing." The words ended on a loud moan and Zhan arched his back as Yibo entered him. The way Yibo's cock stretched him was both new and familiar and Zhan bit his lips, throwing his head back not sure if he wanted to grab or escape the overwhelming ecstasy. Seeing Zhan's throat exposed, Yibo covered it with his marks, nibbling at the soft flesh. Spreading Zhan's further, Yibo claimed Zhan to the very hilt of his length and gasped when his spin tingled with the pleasure. Loud cries of want reverberated in the room and Zhan clutched Yibo hard when the pace got unbearably fast. Zhan stared into Yibo's eyes as Yibo pounded into him hard and fast and his eyes rolled to the back of his head when he came.

The two lovers were panting, sweating and trembling in each other's arms,the air around them smelling of sex and Zhan hid his face in Yibo's neck pressing a soft kiss there over a red mark he had made. "Making sure everyone knows I am yours?", Yibo teased with a laugh but Zhan nodded in all seriousness. "I want everyone to know  you are mine." Grabbing Zhan's left hand, Yibo pressed a kiss on the ring and then pressed a kiss to Zhan's lips because he had to. "All yours, Xiao Zhan", Yibo said softly and Zhan kissed him deeper and harder his heart finally at peace. "Let's stay this way forever then."

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