A new era

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Ever since the one and only, Harry Potter defeated the Dark Lord he receives his well-deserved break from almost ten years of fighting. He can settle down and live his life without running and fighting for it. Harry is happily married to Ginny they both have three wonderful children, Albus, Lily, and James potter. He got what he truly wanted at the end which was a kind and loving family. Life has been an absolute bliss for Harry, but was that going to change for Harry in the near future?

"I am always running from one thing, and that thing is time" - Harry potter

The present:

Christmas Eve is one of the most stressful days of the year. Every year the Potter's calendar is made into one huge to-do list. Harry and Ginny scramble out of bed, and around the house preparing for Christmas. All from decorations to cleaning the children's bedrooms. Harry has been so busy with his job he hasn't even gotten the time to wrap the presents. While Ginny was busy marking OWL's she hasn't gotten the time either. One thing Harry never had enough of was time. He was always running from it.

Harry sprints from room to room gathering the supplies he needed to wrap the presents. At Harry's mansion, it was filled with brightly gleaming colours inside and out. The gargantuan tree was dressed with layers of lights and ornaments head to toe. While wreaths and mistletoe were hung on every door in the house, as Harry puts the final presents under the tree he lets out a huge sigh which follows with a wide smile as he admires his hard work.

-Time skip-

Harry hears the doorbell go off, it was one followed by many more. Harry sprints to the door swinging it open knowing exactly which three children were behind that door. Three hyper children run into Harry's arms. He chuckles as he wraps his arms around them.

"How many candy canes did you guys have," Harry asks raising an eyebrow while ruffling their hair.

"None... none at all" Lily giggles, as she hides two more behind her back innocently. Harry rolls his eyes as he walks the family inside, the children gasp in awe at the decorations hanging from the chandelier as Harry smiles proudly.

"Go get into your dresses and suites children your friends are coming over later tonight," Ginny smiles. The unbreakable trio nod in agreement, as they run towards their bedrooms.

"Thanks for doing all this while I was gone, Harry." Ginny thanks her husband, as she wraps her arms around his neck.

"Anything for my family" Harry smiles, as he returns the hug.

Meanwhile, the children race down the staircase to show their outfits to Harry.

"Look, look at me, dad!" "No, no look at me." Albus and James bicker. 

"You both look very grown-up." Ginny tears up.

"But only if they would act like ones." Lily cheekily smiles.

"Dad check out the new dress I got, me and Rose Weasley went shopping at Hogsmeade for it". Lily spins so her parents could get a full 360 view of the glamorous dress.

Harry chuckles as he slides his arm around Ginny's waist while Ginny rests her head gently on Harry's shoulder. Later that evening the children help clean up the house and unpack their trunks while Harry and Ginny finish making dinner.

"Psssttttt boys look what I have" Lily smirks while waving a huge bag with the "Honeydukes" logo on it.

Both boys immediately stop what they were doing and race to Lily.

"How did you get all this?" James asks while stuffing his mouth with candy.

"Don't worry, I've got my sources" Lily chuckles.

"That's our little sis" Albus compliments.

"Mhmm!" James agrees as he continues to throw pieces of candy into his mouth.

"Mom is not going to like our hipper state, once she finds out." Lily laughs.

"Oh well!" James smiles, as the three of them burst out laughing.

They all head to James' room to play some video games while sharing stories of their time at Hogwarts since they are all in different years and one being in Slytherin they don't see each other as often as you would think.

James: "That was one year, I can't believe the fourth year is already 1/3 done."

Albus: "I know right? Second-year has been a blast, apparently, mum almost died in the second year if it wasn't for dad."

Lily: "My first year has been great so far, I made lots of new friends!"

Albus: " That's great Lil, James have you gotten yourself a date for the Yule ball yet?" Albus raises an eyebrow in amusement while Lily laughs.

James: "Actually yes, I have. I'm taking Elizabeth, Luna and Neville's daughter!" James exclaims proudly.

Albus: "That's great bro, congratulations!"

Lily: "Yeah! I can't wait for the fourth year, I think I know who I want to take!"

Both her brothers immediately go silent and raise an eyebrow.

James: "And who that might be Lil?"

Albus: "Yeah who?"

Lily slightly blushes, "Scorpious"

The two brothers both gasp, "You mean Rose and Draco's daughter?" James asks.

Lily: "Yeah," She says quietly.

James and Albus both look at each other and laugh, "Looks like someone's got a crush!" Screams James. "Haha, I'm gonna find this young Malfoy and tell him as soon as he gets here!!!" Albus adds.

Lily: "NO! DON'T YOU DARE", and lower the volume or mum and dad are going to hear.

But it was already too late, both Ginny and Harry come racing up the stairs.

Harry: "LILY, did you say that you have a crush on young Malfoy??!!??"

Ginny cries tears of joy as she runs to hug her daughter.

Albus: "Wow mom, it's not like you were so happy when I told you I liked Rose Weasley." Albus immediately throws a hand over his mouth after saying that.

Everyone in the room stares at him, with wide eyes.

Ginny: "That's great Albus!" Ginny smiles.

Harry: "Certainly is."

Lily walks over to Albus, "And this is exactly why you don't tell this family if you have a crush." Lily squints her eyes and sticks out her tongue.

Ginny: "Alright, I can already feel the tension and a fight boiling so how about we all head downstairs and decorate."

At exactly 7:00 pm the doorbell rings and it's Hermione and Ron's family as well as Draco and Rose. James being the oldest takes the children out to the garden to play with his new drone, that was until Ginny called the children inside for dinner. They all ate and reminisced about Hogwart's memories. After dinner the children exchanged gifts.

"I will go first," says James and hands four presents to each of the children including Lily, Albus, Rose, and Hugo. They all had a lot of fun opening gifts and talking about what they were excited to do when they returned to Hogwarts after the break. As the last of the guests leave the children run around playing with their new gifts as Ginny and Harry tidy the kitchen.

Just as Ginny heads to bed Harry feels energy that sends shivers down his spine he looks up at the clock and realizes it was moving twice as fast. Harry shakes his head, thinking he is only seeing things, by now it's already midnight. He looked back at the clock every couple of minutes and realized nothing has changed.

"That's weird is the clock broken? There's no way it could be broken, it's enchanted." Harry thinks out loud.

It was still moving just as fast. Harry scares himself by the minute thinking he is being watched, and so he rested on that thought and went to bed.

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