Like a clock

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Rose- "Wait for a second, how is it almost 3 pm?"

Draco- "That is scary, maybe it's just wrong. Let's talk to the others."

Rose simply nodded, not taking her eyes off the clock. For the past 2 hours, they both had a silver lightning bolt scar on them. Draco already left the room to find the others but Rose stayed put. She slowly walked up to the clock and dragged her finger over the cut-up of the scar. She noticed that for the 3rd hour there was a scar-forming, each tick made it form faster.

Rose- "What the heck?" Rose whispered as she stared at the clock. Rose decided it was best to follow Draco and find the others.

Draco- "Guys, we need to talk."

Ginny- "What is something wrong?" Ginny asked as she sprinted down the stairs followed by the others close behind.

Draco- "Based on Rose, something was controlling my mind and turning me into a whole new person. And my mark is back, I nearly got killed because of the spell put on me. If it wasn't for Rose I would probably not be alive."

Hermione- "Oh my gosh, and when did this happen?"

Ron- "And how did we not know about this?"

Rose- "It happened like a couple of minutes ago and you guys didn't know because when Draco wasn't himself he put a silencing charm on the door while I was screaming."

Harry- "Wow, something is wrong. It feels weird doesn't it?"

Ginny- "Time is doing something to us, it's like a curse that we can't get out of."

Ron- "It must be the time turner, they are probably messing with the time turner."

And that's where it all clicks for Rose.

Rose- "I GET IT NOW!" She screamed startling the others.

Rose- "Don't you see it, the problem was, is, and will be time, The past tense, present tense, and future tense. Not only that but look at the clock if you look closely you will see a silver lightning bolt scar engraved in it." They all stepped forward, noticing the scar. But before they could talk Rose continued. "The time shows almost 3 pm right?" They all nodded. It represents something, there are six of us and the time we noticed that time change was when the clock was at 1 pm. Since then 2 of us have already been cursed, which marks two hours. Meaning each hour something bad is going to happen, whoever is trying to murder us designed it like a clock. So..., we have 3 minutes before it turns 3 pm."

Harry- "Basically it's designed like a clock?"

Rose- "Yeah"

Hermione- "Everything fits together now like a puzzle, it solves every riddle it fits every clue. We are always behind one thing, time. Rose, you're so smart."

Rose- "Thanks, but because of this every hour that is struck till 6 pm sill result in something happening."

Ginny- "We need to find a way to avoid that."

Ron- "I think I may know, you see when one of us was being mind-controlled it was all in different locations. It's kind of like a lightning strike, where it specifically chooses to hit somebody. There may be more to this than we think."

Harry- "Ron's right, it's almost as if this is designed as It's like our future has already been set. What if The unknown is right, what if she IS at least a step ahead of us."

Ginny- "It is quite possible, considering she does have the time turner in her possession right now. She may have skipped far in the future where she saw us and planned accordingly."

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