Day 1 🌞

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It is still early when the rising sun wakes Kailani up from her night on the sunbed near the pool. After a stretch, she gets up and moves back to the house. Opening the door as silently as possible to not wake Jungkook, she is surprised to not see him on the couch.
Kailani puts the pillow and blanket next to the stairs and walks to the kitchen. When she had planned this trip for herself and her friends, she had decided that she would spoil her two friends at all costs. That is why she is now up at 6 am starting to prepare Croissants.

"What is this smell?" Yoongi appears with disheveled hair in the kitchen.
"Good morning to you too. What do you mean by smell?"
"Scent! I meant scent!" Yoongi steps around the kitchen island and inspects what Kailani is preparing.
"Are you baking fresh pastries?" He asks when he opens the oven to look at the golden Croissants.
"Yes, and eggs, and freshly made juice..."
"Are you a chef?" He inquires as he starts to bring food out of the fridge.
"Nope, just someone who wants her friends to have the best time." Kailani watches Yoongi starting to prepare breakfast for the other members. She knows that he too likes to take care of them, especially with food.
"Should I make more pastries for your friends as well?" She asks as she puts another tray in the oven.
"I don't know. Maybe for Kook, Hobi and Tae."
"Are those nicknames you have for them?" Kailani is still trying to keep up the appearance of not knowing who the group of men is.
"Yes," he simply replies as he starts to cook rice.

Moments later, Hoseok strolls in with Seokjin before Jia and Roxy join them.
Everyone compliments the cooks, as they stuff their mouths with Asian and western food.
"Morning! Oh no, is there nothing left for me?" Jungkook asks when he comes in last.
Kailani gets up and takes the plate she has hidden under the counter to give it to the youngest. It is filled with delicious food she has picked from the different plates that earlier were on the table.
"You are the best noona!" He shouts as he pulls her in an unexpected hug.
"A little bird told me last night that you are always hungry." She whispers when he would not let go of her.
"Yah! Kook! Let her breathe!" Yoongi lets out as he pulls his friend off her.

After breakfast, Namjoon asks everyone to come to the living room. He had contacted their manager earlier, and the latter is now about to arrive, to solve the problem with the rental house.
"Don't give in!" Roxy reminds Kailani as they sit with the others.
"Well, Namjoon told me that you were renting this house?" The manager asks when he looks at the group of women.
"Yes! I booked this place a long time ago." Kailani opens her booking app to show him the booking papers.
"They seem legit. However, I will need you to look for another place to stay!"
"Why should we? You can move your friends out and look for another place to stay!" Kailani's tone is stern as she feels treated unfairly.
"Isn't it obvious? This is BTS..." The manager continues before Namjoon interrupts him.
"There is no use in mentioning BTS, hyung. They do not know who we are!"
"What? You do not..." Seijin exclaims in disbelief as the men shake their heads.
"I don't care who BTS.... Or whatever it is called is! We will not look for another place to stay!"
Roxy squeezes Kailani's hand, giving her the reassurance, she needs.
"That means we need to go!" Jimin states the facts.
"Yeah! That is not so simple. Everything is fully booked because of the concerts. And then we would have to go over security details again for the seven of you." Seijin explains as he paces the room.
"And you think it will be easier for us?" Jia lets out harshly.
"No, no! That is not what I meant. You know what, I will see what I can do." The manager takes his phone and disappears into the hallway.

"Well, good luck with that," Kailani says as she stands up. "Come on, girls. Let's have a look at what we can do today."
The three women marched off to go to their bedrooms.
"Well, if we cannot help, then I will be heading to the pool," Hoseok says as he runs upstairs.
"Wanna go to play beach volleyball?" Jungkook asks Jimin before both disappear to the back door.
Namjoon looks at his members, shaking his head before picking up his book and starting to read.

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