Covid restrictions

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I know we are still in a pandemic and the most important thing we can do is protect our loved ones and ourselves . Of course our health always comes first with anything . But it's been two years exactly since the world hasn't been right . So many people want to go back to the way they were living , but can't, due to fear or the government trying to control everyone .don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with getting vaccines , flu shots , all of that, but there's a lot of people who don't like being forced too or it's against their religious beliefs to put substances in their body they don't know about.that's perfectly understandable. People even got into fights over this and even disrespected people for not getting the Covid vaccine .what I'm trying to get at is , you should NOT disrespect anyone for not getting vaccinated . It's their life , their body , their choice . You can't force someone to do something their not comfortable may whine and complain oh this person is stupid , they won't be laughing if they get sick with covid .yes no one will be laughing , getting sick is not a joking matter , a ton of people died from Covid . But if people are willing to take that risk of getting sick , that's on them. I feel people are too focused on what others are doing , instead of themselves .but family and friends , shouldn't be at odds just because they have different beliefs. You don't have to agree but you can at least be civil with each other . For decades people had colds and flus , no one was afraid to go to work over it or be around people, now if someone is sick people assume it's Covid , when it could just honestly be a common cold. People don't want to shake hands or even hug anymore . It's so awkward because you don't know who's okay with it and who isn't , and if you lean in for a hug and someone steps away, it's just was never like this.I salute  the doctors and nurses , they really are hero's to help save so many lives . But I don't like some people at their jobs were threatened if you don't take the vaccine , you will be fired . Sorry I think that's extreme and should be illegal. Your making someone do something against their own will. That's not's never okay. Stop pushing your beliefs on someone else. Let people live Their life they want too. You may not like it , but it's not you .I feel like the government put the fear o mighty in people. That's not okay either.

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