Taylor /Brooke / ridge love triangle for over a decade

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You know something I'm really getting fed up with ridge , anytime there's a small bump in his marriage he takes off and now that Taylor is " back" in town it won't be long before they jump into bed together ugh good gracious mother of pearls you don't know how frustrating this is because anytime ridge and Brooke break up they always reunite . I like Taylor but if this amounts to anything it's not going to last because that's what these writers of the show do, they get your hopes up and they only let you down. This is getting tiring too with the love triangles . Ridge has to make a final decision , either Brooke or Taylor! That's it or bring someone new in for ridge perhaps me;) It's time I step in and write how the show should go! I'm done with this foolery!

Look at Taylor eyeing him like a snack knowing he's married ugh. What is with this show where they make women go after married men. They make women look so weak. And why would Steffy would want her mom with ridge anyway he always left her for Brooke .


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