Couples not happy with the gender of the baby

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For most couples it's exciting and nerve wrecking to find out their pregnant and soon will be expecting a boy or girl. Some couples don't care what gender it is , as long as the baby is healthy! That's pretty obvious . But I notice on Instagram and tik tok when couples post gender reveal videos and they reveal their having a girl , some dads scream and cuss not happy with the sex of the baby all because it's not a boy . I understand a lot of people want boys , because hello boys are a blessing too, but people perceive girls too hard to raise and they will be trouble and their going to have an " attitude" to me thats false! Because boys can have an attitude and throw a fit just like girls do. Both genders can give their parents gray hairs early .if both genders are raised right you won't have that problem , sure kids will make mistakes along the way, and talk back, that's Normal . But I feel now a days people are so sexist and think boys rule the world . Girls are a blessing too. Not all girls are rude and are high maintenance. I don't like when people always trash talk girls saying oh if I have a girl that's going to be hell. How? How is that going to be a hell! You should consider yourself lucky to even have a child on the way in the first place. Some couples can't afford kids or have infertility issues and you have the nerve to complain that you didn't want a girl.  How dare you . I know there's nothing wrong with wishing for a boy or wanting to have a son, but either way this child is yours. It's not some garbage off the road , you made this baby and you should be grateful for what God gives you. Everything happens for a reason and girls are a blessing too. Look at how many women are out in the world are so smart and so educated and successful . Women can do anything men can do. Both genders are a honor. We need to stop belittling females and thinking their guna be too soft or trouble with boys . That's not even true. So many girls in this world have the right mindset and focus on their education before dating . Not every girl is going to make your life hell. Some sons give their parents trouble too. It's the same thing so I don't understand why girls are the only target of being too much and hard to raise . When I was little I always listened to my parents , I never snuck out , I never got into any trouble of any kind , at home or at school. When my parents said no it was a no I didn't question it. Don't blame the kids acting out, blame the parents for not disciplining their kids enough . Because guess what boys can be bad too if there's no boundaries and rules . People forget yes teen girls get pregnant but how do they get pregnant?! FROM BOYS! If parents don't teach their sons to be gentlemen's and know how to treat a girl , then that's a big headache right there if he becomes a teen dad . People are so quick to point the fingers at the girl and blame everything on her.  Both parties can be at fault if you don't raise your kids correctly .and make no mistake both genders will stumble and fall along the way, THATS life but it's how they learn. No one is saying these children have to be perfect . But this girl you're having is a human being . She's not some garbage off the road . And for the people who don't want boys it's the same thing . Shame on you. Be grateful for what God gives you. Point blank period.  Us girls are not objects and we are equal to men. PERIOD

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