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if batman is rich and all and has his own hotel why doesnt he have like 69 buttlers...oh ya he only hase one becouse its been his buttler for years and basicly his father but oh ya thats not only why bruise waine/batman is a cheapo he keaps alfred cuzz alfred is basicly his slave (exxept alfred dont get torchered) like irf i was that rich i would put him in a retirment place so that he can enjoy himself and hire more buttlers and pay the extra just so they dont tell that your batman but know alfred is awsome he gets you drinks makes you food when you barely evan say "thank you" like why do you torcher him ive always wondered what alfred does whaen batman is out fighting a circus clown aka trhe j0k3r like does alfred like get drunk and drink lots of coffee and then sleep like batman dont even say why dount you pour your self a drink but no hes a jerk...THIS IS WHY I LIKE SPIDER MAN BETTER THAN BATMAN CUZZ BAMAN IS JUST LIKE MATH(mental abbuse to humans) BUT TO ALFRED INSTEAD... have you ever noticed that all the heros with no superpowers like batman are rich live in a mansion and stuff like that when the peaple like spider man live with there aunty aka they6 dont even have enought= to live with there abusive parents cuzz there weird...BYE


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