S2E1: All that remains

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"What do you think" Omid asked as we all looked over to a bathroom kind of place.

"Omid you can't be serious, we are not doing that"



"Come on Christa, what wrong with 'Omid'" Both of them were talking about the baby's name. Me and Clem walked behind the couple talking amongst ourselves. We both walked into the bathroom to clean ourselves up, we searched to make sure no one was inside and placed our packs on the sink. We grabbed out a cloth and our water bottles to clean our dirty faces. The door opened and we ran into the last stall on the left. A woman came in and started snooping through our things before she spotted us. She held us at gun point and told us to get out. She looked a few years older then us.

She kept on going through our things and asking if we had any more things.

"What else you got?" She asked but we didn't have anything else.

"That's all we have.." you replied trying to get her to feel sympathy for you both.

"Don't lie to me, I'll pop you."

Is this girl serious.. she ever tries to hurt us i'll kill her.

"Just walk away" you said putting your hands up when she pointed the gun at the both of you.

"Gimme that hat" she said to Clem but she told her no. She kept on getting angry with us, what's her problem. She laid off getting the hat but went over to Clem's bag to search through, Omid came in, slowly walking up on her but the door made a squeak and she fired my gun. Christa came in shortly after and shot her then left her for dead.

*16 Months later*

"Christa.. talk to us" Clem said while we tried to get the fire started. The wood was to wet to burn so the fire was just not gonna work. Our plan was to go to Wellington, we need to stick to North and eventually we'd get there. Christa left to go get more wood, Clem and I sat in silence for a little bit until she spoke. "I miss Lee." you looked at her then back to the ground. "I miss my family.."

We heard some commotion coming from the woods, we walked over and some guys were questioning Christa, I grabbed a rock and threw it at one of the strangers before taking Clem's hand and running for our lives. But soon enough we both got split up.


I woke up on the side of a river bank, I'm surprised to see that I've still got my gun and pocketknife. I walked for what felt like days trying to find someone, but no.. no one.

I heard a scream coming from the right side of me, I know that scream from anywhere. It's Clem. You ran over to Clem she was holding her arm. "Clem! I'm so happy I found you.. what happened" She turned to me with a look of horror then back to where she was looking, you followed to where her eyes were, a dog was stuck on a pipe, it's leg was pierced, there is no way it was gonna survive. You pulled out your gun and shot the poor dog.

We walked for a long time until there were some walkers on us, I shot at some but my bullets ran out.. this is.. just great. Then some dude came out of nowhere and saved us, he was with some older guy. The dude picked up Clem and we all made a run for it. On the way he introduced them as Pete the older one and Luke the younger one. "This is Clementine, i'm y/n"

They asked what we were doing out here, I told them that we got attacked then we all got split up. Luke said something about a doctor before dropping her on the floor, you ran up to her side and asked if she was okay. He claimed to his friend that she was bitten, but you told them it was a dog bite, for the most part they didn't believe you, but ended up taking you to see their doctor. You were all walking until Clem fainted and Luke carried her all the way back to the place they were staying at.

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