new girl pt 2

472 14 12

word count. 5506

(heavy smut warning. genuinely serious with this one. half this chapter is sex, and it's definitely more intense than the last part.
for small detailed warning- degrading, praising. i warned you, so don't act all surprised in the comments when the time comes.)

"We asked a hundred women to fill in the blank. Short is okay, as long as he's..."

"Good looking!" The static buzzing from Zoe's television deflects off the walls of her living room, and her elbow sinks further into the squishy leather as she pops popcorn into her mouth.

Her fingers grease with butter from the kettled popcorn, and Family Feud plays on a rerun as her elongated Friday night whisks itself into another monotonous day alone.

Her fingers slip against the buttons on the remote control, and she skims through a few channels in search of one that peaks her interest. The illuminated television glows individually, and the pitched darkness of the outside world seeps through her open windows.

She's stuck in her daily school attire, and feels the side of her jeans bite into the skin on her thigh. When she turned back up at her house after school, she plopped herself onto the couch and allowed her distraught bones to dip into the calmness of the cushions.

Her thumb hovers over the urge to push the skip button once more, until her phone screeches a ringtone beside the bucket of popcorn that sits next to her loyally.

Her eyes flicker over to the gruffly crude sound, and she tosses her controller to the side to scramble to get her phone. A number that feels unrecognizable to her lights up her blazing screen, and she lazily taps her thumb on the green button to answer.

A trail of grease stains her phone, and as she presses the device up to her ear she releases a sigh of disinterest at the conversation that has yet to begin.


A dizzy sounding sniffle comes from the other end, and a suffocating silence that makes her ear pierce follows after.

"Is this Zoe?" The foreign voice sounds tight with feeling and compressed with battered grief, and Zoe straightens her sitting position into a stiff posture that makes her spine run cold with frigid temperatures.

"Yeah... Who's this?" A trial of choking sniffles follow once again, and that intimate silence strangles Zoe and swallows her whole.

"Uhm, it's.. it's Madison."

A lightning surge of deplore and loath consumes Zoe the way an envelope would devour a letter, and her movements stand still in the moments of time as she succumbs to silence.

"How'd you get my number?" Her tone is sharp and quick, like the edge of a sword that has no time for games. Another sniffle erupts through the crackling receiver, and fading shuffling is heard.

"Look, I just- I really need a friend, right now. My boyfriend broke up with me, and I-I didn't know who else to call-" Her own words are interrupted with a rickety sob that settles a score throughout her entire frame, but Madison snares the vulnerability back into her mouth and absorbs it like it never happened.

Zoe wants to spit out at her- she wants to throw back careless words into her face, ones she know would scar over her. She wants to snap at her and remind her that they're not friends, and Madison made that all too clear the day after Zoe's first day at school; where she completely ignored her existence.

But for some reason, she can't find it in her.

All her vicious words die on her tongue like dissolving acid, and her attitude is soft and kind when she says, "W-What can I do for you?"

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