A nightmare and cheaking in.

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You only saw pitch black,you looked around to only see a thin black mist and an endless darkness. You were standing on what felt like water but it's solid. You stood there,confused and in some state of panic started to set in. The more time you stood in the black abyss the more you realized you are in the dream realm,you calmed yourself down and started to walk forwords to see what the dream is trying to tell you. You walked for what felt like hour's,you stopped walking when a bright light was seen shining down on a figure,a figure twitching quite a lot. The figure looked familiar to you so you desided to get closer,and close,and closer. You finally realized it was Axol. But he was acting weird. Hit twitching was more frequent the closer you got. You stopped when you enterd the light.

Y/N:Axol? Pal is that you? Speak to me......

Axol didn't respond,you walked closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder and spun him around and his face remained the same. You shook him.

Y/N:Axol,talk to me. What the hell is up with you?

Axol finally looked up at you,but his stare felt different. You felt a chill go down your spine when he looked at you. A gust of wind bellowed below your feet and Axol finally spoke. What he said scared you to death.

Axol:H-help me......I I can't control it any more....

Before you could say anything Axol started to collapse in your arms,you sat down with his body in your arms,and his body started to turn to dust and blow in the wind. When his body was gone you started to shake out of fear and screamed at the top of your lungs. Withears streaming down your face you punched the ground repeatedly until you woke up.

You woke up in a cold sweat,tour breathing was fast and heavy,it was a good thing that Tari was a heavy sleeper when she is with you. You looked at your hands,they were shaking from pure terror and you could feel a few tears build up in your eyes and your breathing only became heavier and heavier with more time. You put your hands on your head and started to rock back and forth as it has helped you to calm down a little bit. As you were rocking you looked at Tari,her arms are wrapped around your waist,her beautiful blue hair and her adorable blue jay pajamas calmed you down quite a bit. The shaking stopped,you stopped rocking and the tears stopped as well. You finally regained your thoughts and looked at the time. 12:27 A.M. You sighed because you knew you won't go back to sleep,so you grabbed your phone to check your notifications. You were surprised when you got a notification from Axol,it read.

Axol:Hey Y/N,if you want to meet me in our game room that would be great,but if not thats also okay. Bring your phone if your able to.-Axol.

You sighed once again and got out of Tari's grip,which you have become a master of doing. You stood up and snuck out of the room to meet Axol in yours and his gaming room you both build a few years back,since the princess left the castle for good she left the responsibility to you and Axol to take care of it. And whats the first thing you two do? Build a gaming room styled like a medeveil japan dojo. You walked out the room shutting the door behind you as silently as possible and went downstairs to the basement where the room was. As you got to the basement,the first step was a cold one. The cement floor on your feet sent chills down your spine and the smell of dust filled your nose. You coughed but continued. And you finally got to the gaming room and you opened the door.

When you opened the door you seen Axol on a couch in the corner of the room watching some sort of anime,he seemed pretty invested in it as well which explains why he hasn't noticed that you enterd the room yet. You walked over and sat next to him.

Y/N:You doing alright pal?

Axol jumped a little bit when you spoke.

Axol:Don't scare a man like that Y/N...and yes I'm fine. Just can't sleep is all.

Y/N:So you asked me to meet you here to just hang out? I find that hard to belive.

Axol sighed and looked at the ground. The silence of you two was unbearable and the anime on the TV didn't help. And after what felt like an eternity Axol spoke.

Axol:Remember when you and Melony saved me from Zero?....

You nodded your head as you took a drink from your water bottle.

Y/N:Yeah,of course I do. If I wasn't there Melony would have to kill you to set you free.

Axol looked down again and sighed.

Axol:I think when you set me free and defeated Zero.....a part of him enterd you as well Y/N,he knew you are important to me and he wanted to make you suffer when he got the chance......and whats disturbing to me is that I feel like its my fault.

Axol put his hands on his head and he started to cry. You haven't seen him like this since you and Melony set him free from Zero's grasp. You put a hand on his shoulder and hugged him. He hugged you back.

Y/N:Why would you feel disturbed by that fact Axol? Nothing has happend to me yet.

Axol:Thats the point. I feel responsible for whats to come to you and I'm afraid that ill lose a friend.....a brother.

You stopped hugging Axol and made him look at you.

Y/N:Axol listen to me. You will never lose me and as much as I have breath I will keep living to see the end of our days.

Axol started to stop crying,hearing those words coming from you made him calm down and bring him a peice of mind. He wiped his tears from his face and gave you one of his bright smiles. You got up and in an attempt to chear him up some more you got into a fighting stance. Since you and Axol were in Taekwondo for a few years your both a second degree black belt and like to spar with eachother every now and again.

Y/N:Come on,let's see if we can settle the score,last I cheaked it was 21 to 21 right?

Axol chuckled and got up. He faced you and bowed,you bowed back and you both went into fighting stance and ki yaped. (A ki yap is something that people in Taekwondo do to clear their minds and build strength. It also tells your opponent that you are ready to spar.) You both started to walk around in a circle.

Axol:Yeah that sounds about right? Whoever wins gets the other lunch tommorow.

You chuckled.

Y/N:Alright your on.

Axol took the first strike and you both spared till the night ended.

(Sorry if this chapter was a little bit dark. The next chapter will be brighter. Till I write again. Sincerely Skullmate the writer.)

A Blue Jay In Love. (Tari X male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now