The score and clingyness.

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Tari's POV

I wake up to see that Y/N isn't in bed with me. I sat up to see that the room is normal as always,some of my sweaters are scattered around the room. Y/N's collection of things,my collection of things,the bean bags and gaming set up is the same. The only thing that's not here right now is Y/N. I grabbed my phone and texted Y/N.

Tari:Hey you aren't in bed. Is everything okay? Are you okay?

When I sent the message I sat on the bed waiting for a response and soon enough my mind started to wonder on where my Y/N is at. I looked around the room again to see if I overseen something I was supposed to see,I looked at Y/N's nightstand and it had a sticky note on it,I picked it up and read what it said.

Y/N's note:Axol needs me in our game room,ill be back either in the morning or tonight. Love you-Y/N

When I read the note I sighed a sigh of relief to know that Y/N isn't far from me.


I opened my eyes to see the gaming room,anime was still playing on the TV and Axol was asleep on the couch. He was slightly snoreing,I got up to only feel very very sore. I stumbled around a little bit and put a hand on my head.

Y/N:How many sparing rounds did we do last night?

When I said that I noticed a socre board,with tally marks and time stamps on the rounds. The final score was 31 to 30 and the final round was around the time of 4:21 A.M. The time now is 12:47 P.M. I looked around some more to see one of our mini tables were broken,I tried to remember what happend to it. Took me a few minutes to remember but I finally did. What had happend was that Axol grabbed my arm and spun around so his back was facing my chest,with the force of my punch my body flew over his and I landed on the table,breaking it into splinters and broken planks.

Y/N:No wonder why my back feels broken.....

You started to notice Axol move and he eventually fell off the couch and landed flat on his face,I couldn't help but snicker at what happend,Axol's head shot up and sat up,he put a hand on his head.

Axol:Ugh what happend?

Y/N:Well you fell off the couch and fell face first on the ground. You alright?

Axol chuckled and you helped him up. Axol looked around and noticed the socre board,he walked over and threw his hands in the air and started to celebrate.

Axol:Woohoo! I WON,you got to get me lunch now haha.

Y/N:A bet is a bet and I'm a man of my word,just let me know what you want and where you want to go.

Axol gave you a smile with a thumbs up. Axol looked around and finally noticed the broken table.

Axol:What the hell happend to the table?

Y/N:I'll explain on the way back,Tari and Melony must be worried sick about us.

Hearing this Axol's eyes widend.


In a rush Axol ran out the door. You turned off the TV and shut the door on your way out. You could see Axol waiting for you by the stairs. As you were both walking up you explained what happend to the table,as you and Axol got up the final sets of stairs and opened the door you could see Tari comforting Melony,Tari knew where you two were but Melony didn't. She thought that Axol left her,but once she seen Axol she jumped up and ran towards him,Axol fell over from the juml hug that Melony gave him. You laughed and walked over to Tari who was less of a mess. You hugged her and she buried her head into your chest,you winced at the pain from Tari's grip and she noticed.

Tari:Am I hurting you at all?

Y/N:No I'm just sore,me and Axol did some sparing last night and he flipped me over and let's just say a table broke mt fall.

Tari let go and grabbed your hand,she lead you to a couch to which you sat down with her. She was cuddled up to you and you put your arm around her,after a few minutes you could see Axol and Melony walk over to you two.

Axol:Hey could we sit with you two?

Y/N:I don't mind at all.

Tari was too occupied with you to answer. Axol and Melony sat down,Melony was extra clingy to Axol but he didn't mind. Tari was less clingy to you but if she didn't know where you were you probably wouldn't breath from her clingyness. But she was still clingy. The warmth from her body made you extra calm and the pain melted away from your body. Tari still had her pajamas on which you found to be very adorable,you shifted your body so that Tari was extra comfortable. The grip that Tari had on you tightend. Her clingyness was getting to the point of annoyance,almost.

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