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It was the next morning after the group sleepover and I woke up not on Mattheo but curled up against him. With my head on his chest him playing with my hair.

" morning cookie" he smiled and I didn't know he knew that nickna- those sons of bitches.

" YOU MOTHER FUCKERS WHO TOLD!" I yelled and they all looked at me. " told what?" Pansy questioned. " I called her cookie" Mattheo said smugly. " oh I did" Draco said from the bathroom as he was getting ready.

" you cauliflower marshmallow looking ass pale bitch!"

" hey!"

I flopped back to Mattheo who was snickering at the ticking time bomb now using him as a pillow.

Later on me and Mattheo where in the library when he asked a question. " cece this morning and last night what exactly what were we doing?"

I put my book down confused. Trying to figure out what he was getting at nothing happened we only cuddled. " uh you mean us cuddling?"

" oh that's what it's called"

" Mattheo have you ever done that before?" I questioned and he admitted he hadn't. " well as you've seen it's like a laying down hug"

" a what?"

" a hu- oh.. you don't know what that is do you"
He shook his head nervously and it felt like my heart had been ripped from my chest. He's 14 and has never had a hug. He doesn't even know what that is but I'm changing that right now.

I put my book down. " stand up" he raised and eyebrow but put the book down and stood up. I took his hand and made him stand infront of me. " what are you doing?"

" everyone needs to know what a hug is" I wrapped my arms around his neck and tried giving him the best hug I could. He sort of just stood there until I lifted my head up. " wrap your arms around me" I whispered and he complied.

We sort of just stood there so he could find out what it was and I wanted him to fell better. After about 45 seconds I pulled away.
" whoa" he whispered and we both giggled.

" that's a hug" he smiled and sat down. But instead of sitting opposite him as I had I sat next to him. Soon he turned and put his back against the wall and I ended up laying between his legs my back against his chest.

" I grew up  at wools orphanage. It's in London. The reason why I didn't come first year is it took the ministry 4 years to decided wether I was got to come to Hogwarts. They thought I was to much of a risk. I ended up there after dad disappeared. I was with his followers and they found me when they were arrested. The followers. It's a horrible place. Cold, miserable, dark, everyone thinks ima freak. That's where the 3 girls came from. That's why I didn't know what a hug was, among other things. Because I've never got them, let alone had friends that's why you all matter to me. You more then the others. That's why your the only one I've told. Everyone else thinks I've grown up with some wizard family. They don't know dad's origin name was riddle"

I couldn't believe he was telling me all of this. Nor did I expect the answer nor explanation.
" thank you for telling me mattheo"

" I felt it was time I told you something about my past when you've shared everything about yours. Can we stop studying and just cuddle in your dorm or mine" I nodded and helped him up and we walked back to my dorm with our hands intertwined.

He told me more about the orphanage in my dorm and about what it's like living there. I just couldn't believe someone as caring and as sweet as him grew up in such a place.

I could tell he wanted em there with him so I didn't leave his side for as long as he wanted. When it was time for dinner I got up and started walking without him holding my hand. He clearly didn't like that. Because he bolted after me and held my hand very tightly. From then on we always had some sort of physical touch so he knew I was there.

We did before but now we barley went with out it. And in the awful periods of time we couldn't see eachother we always made up lost time with a hug.

He was my special person who i treasured dearly, and I would never let anything bad happen to. And clearly he felt the same about me because we were walking and some Scottish wizard who was friends with Ron was bad mouhh to ing me and he went straight up to him and punched him in the jaw. " talk about her again and I'll break more teeth" it was even more special because he was sitting with Ron and the twins as well as a dark skinned boy.

Ron was about to pounce when I went over. " Mattheo are you ok" he nodded and intertwined our hands. Ron tried punching him but I caught his hand. " touch him and I break your nose"

I then pulled him away and down to my dorm. " your not mad are you?" He asked when I closed the door. I just hugged him to shut him up. " thank you but please don't break your hand again" I took the very clearly injured hand with the broken finger. " this may hurt" he nodded and I took out my wand. " episkey" he whined and put his head on my shoulder. " it's done let me get you ice" I had to take him to the fridge where we kept the ice because he refused to let go of my hand.

I put the ice bag on his hand and told him to sit down and hold it there. " thank you Mattheo, usually I just let him do it"

" don't the others stop it?" He questioned. " he does it when there not around and it's not worth telling them. They'll just kill him. He must've thought you're not a threat"

He scoffed. " yeah we'll clearly he's wrong. And your not walking alone again so he can't do it again. But we're still telling the others"

" no Mattheo we're not" I said sternly but he wasn't backing down. He convinced me to
Tell them and as expected seamus came into breakfast the next day with a busted lip, a black eye and a cut above his eyebrow.

Mattheo saw me Staring at him so he draped a arm sound my shoulder and Allowed me to rest my head on his shoulder.

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