Your home!

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Yes I know the cover photo is awful it was the best I could do with my phone on 2% and I needed to get this chapter out lol

The rest of the year was a mix of sadness and chaos. Exams were postponed because of dumbledores death. Everyone around was sad. Sad they lost their ' great leader. It was different for our friend group two. Draco was gone. Yes, he was at home but he was gone. Everyone at school would whisper about him as I walked passed. I almost punched a couple of kids when I overheard their whispering. No one however was brave enough to confront me about him. I suppose you can trash talk a death eater but you can't trash talk their sibling in fear they'll come after you or that sibling is a death eater.

The only person who confronted me about it was Hermione. I was walking to class when I was pulled into an empty corridor. " Damn Granger you're making me consider my choice of a partner" I chuckled when she slammed me against the wall grabbing my forearm once more to see if there was a dark mark. When she saw nothing she took out her wand and pointed it at it. " please don't take my arm off" I smiled when she whispered ' revelio' and again saw nothing.

" I'm sorry Celeste I had to be sure" she paled putting her wand away meeting go of the tight hold she had on my robes. " I didn't mind. You should slam me into walls more often." I smiled winking at her leaving the corridor.

No one else confronted me about it. That was again until I got on the train and was looking for my friend when I was again yanked into a compartment. People really like yanking me for some reason.

" oh good God, your hot feisty friend already slammed me into a wall to inspect my arm what do you two want?" I questioned harry and Ron who traded a glance that I called Hermione hot and that she slammed me into a wall.

" We know your not one. We just wanted to tell you he cares and tell you once more you'll always have an out with us. You're not a death eater. You'll always be safe with us" harry smiled trying his best to fake sympathy. " and again I'm not interested. Oh, and please tell mione to write me" I smirked pushing them to the sides of the compartment so I could leave.

I managed to get to my friend's compartment without being yanked again. " you took a while you okay?" pansy questioned. " I'm okay" I smiled. " the train ride to Hogwarts this year was our last time all together on the train and we didn't even realise" theo stated looking out the window. " about that who knows for a fact they aren't returning next year?" Enzo questioned and theo put his hand up twice. " one for me and one for Draco" he spoke and I smiled sadly.

" Okay, who doesn't know yet if they're coming back," Enzo asked again and both I and mattheo raised our hands. " ok so that means for certain me pansy and Blaise are coming back next year" Enzo sighed. " I'll request I come back next year. I know mum will want me to return and the dark lord will probably require a spy" I told him and he seemed happy about that.

" it'll be hell if one of us goes back and the other doesnt," mattheo told me when I sat back with him. " we'll make it work. If we got through the fight in February we can make it through anything" I smiled and he sighed bringing me closer. " let's not mention that awful thing ever again" he whispers and I nodded.

The rest of the ride was spent just enjoying it. Theo was taking in all the beautiful landscapes for one last time. We also reminisced on simpler easier times.

Getting off the train we took our time. We could apparate home now so we didn't have to make it on time for anything. We still got off the train within 25 minutes of it pulling into the station and by that time the platform wasn't as busy. We all had specific instructions to operate in Malfoy's manner so we did. We all circled up and put our hands in before going home. We landed in the entry hall and I was so happy to see a tall blonde watching me. I let go of mattheos hand and ran to him.

" Merlin ce it's only been 3 weeks" he chuckled when I threw my arms around him. " I missed you though" I smiled and when I let go he smiled at me. " I missed you to however there's someone who missed you more" he took my hand and lead me to the dining hall. Narcissa was there but there was someone else there. I looked at draco and he nodded. The familiar person turned around. " there she is"

I fast paced walked to him and hugged him tightly. " Dad your home!" I smiled. " I missed you too little one" he was home. Dad was home. Lucius was fucking home. " I'm proud of you" he smiled knocking my shoulder jokingly. " for what?" I questioned. " you made the Quidditch team, the slug club, what you did do to earn your sword. Everything else you accomplished" I smiled. " you knew I got on the team?" I questioned. " Narcissa was allowed to write me once a month and she included the fact you got on the team in the soonest one she could"

I smiled at cissy and smiled. " is Bella here?" I questioned a few minutes later and as if on cue I heard a snap followed by " did my favourite niece miss me?" I turned around and smiled before going to stand with her and was pleasantly surprised with a hug. " wait I'm your only niece?" I questioned. " if you weren't you still would be"

After dinner theo, Blaise, Enzo and Pansy had to leave and I gave them all the biggest hug I could. " you don't need to kill us we'll see you in two days" pansy breathed when I let her go.
" kidding we'll miss you too" Enzo smiled ruffling my hair. I hit him for it. After they left I went back to my family. Bella, Draco, mum and dad are accompanied by mattheo.

" we'll be okay" mum smiled when I joined her. " I know mum" I smiled back at her and she hugged me tighter. this was my family. Draco was my brother. Bella was my aunt. Narcissa was my mum and Lucius was my dad and mattheo well he's just mattheo.

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