32. [R] New year new adventures

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Guess what! I've done something I've wanted to do for a long time, make an outdoor area for nighttime safety! See, what's one of the many activities to do when you simply want to relax? Stargazing. Pretty simple, all you need are some warm clothes, food and a nice spot right? WRONG! Problem 1, monsters. They do not stay away for a minute. And if you're not careful? They'll up and attack you. So that's why I decided to make some lights for the backyard... with Aneesah's help. Well, there was no way I'd finish it before New years but with help I did, now with help from my friend, and our new crafting book, we built fancy backyard lights to keep the monsters out. And with that, problem solved, and a bonus, it's really pretty. Finally, a safe place to stargaze. Oh and the snow's cleared up. We noticed it stopped snowing for a few days so we decided to clean the yard, and now it's snow free, everything else melted soon enough. And now that it was warmer, it was the perfect time to be outside.

I lied down looking up at the sky. Past this glowy barrier, past the trees, it's as if I can see millions of tiny worlds in the stars, worlds untouched. It's a little theory back home from a long time ago that other worlds exist beyond the ones we know, worlds that AREN'T stacked on top of each other and separated by bedrock, worlds that aren't separated by dimensions like the nether or the END. Worlds that exist as parallel universes to ours, or even alternate universes or even new realities. The possabilaties are endless. Back then, I used to think it was silly and that stars are just specks to make the nighttime look pretty but... if Aneesah's really from another world entirely, a whole other reality even... who knows what worlds lie within the stars, maybe even worlds beyond them. Speaking of which...

Aneesah sat next to me with a painting feather and a canvas. I didn't realize she liked drawing. Aparently it was a hobby of hers back home. But this is the first time I've ever seen her pick up a canvas and draw, it's interesting to know. When I asked her she said she was drawing what this scenery would look like if it was similar to her world. I glance over to the picture, noticing the differences. It looks so much smoother and the lights seem to illuminate only the nearby ground, leaving the further premesis untouched. The closest trees also have some light but they seem to fade out. The berry bushes look a lot more realistic than I can imagine, berries have grown already but not actually, we're still waiting for them to grow.

 The berry bushes look a lot more realistic than I can imagine, berries have grown already but not actually, we're still waiting for them to grow

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Well, after we finished this area and the berry bushes, we set up a fireworks machine. I times it to go off once the clock would show midnight. Then for a celebratory finish, Aneesah and I would launch some special custom fireworks we made. It's going to be super awesome, and fin considering the sleepover. While we live with each other we decided to have a sleep over in the main room. Seeing as we're not used to sharing a room it would be an interesting experience for us. Sleeping bags are set and we're already in our pajamas, with jackets so we don't get cold.

"Hey Romeo..." a voice next to me speaks, turning my attention to her. "I was wondering, what do think fireworks symbolize?" I told my head curiously. "What do you mean?" Aneesah shrugs with a sigh as she thinks. "Well, a lot of events and holidays tend to have fireworks, new years, gladiator arena championships, major conventions..." boy are those throwbacks. Gladiator, now there's a word I could have used. "...sometimes I wonder if fireworks are just there show or if they mean anything." Huh, that is a valid point. "Well, I could say their just for show but with me and stars, it's probably no different." I admit, glancing back to the sky as the moon slides into view. "I guess, fireworks mean... accomplishments."

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