15. [A] Potions and trust

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Well, that was not fun in any way, ow. I'm surprised a single trident to the stomach would cost me so much energy. I'm just glad that I'm still alive. Honestly, I'm confused how Romeo just got the vines without sheers. Anyway, with some help from him, I poured the water into a hole and washed most of the blood off. The water was stained red a bit but at least it was slowing down. But thank goodness I was able to remember that crafting recipe I saw in that one fanfic from Quotev. It came in pretty handy. With a surprising good amount of luck, I managed to craft a set of bandages and dress my wound. I'm surprised it actually managed to fit, something square around a human body. It looked like a cartoon piece edited onto me. Well, that's what it looks like when I lift my shirt up. It was a little tricky with my jacket so I had to take it off. I tied it around my waist for a while. I'll put it back on once I get home. Now that I've discovered I can create anything I want, despite it not having a crafting recipe, things might be a lot easier for me...and my roommate too I guess, he seems so fascinate by my abilities but i guess he's going to get used to it.

Right now I was leaning onto Romeo for support. I had to crouch of course because if you remember, I'm 2.5 blocks tall, so he's kinda short compared to me. I know I might be able to walk on my own but I won't be fast enough, hence why I need the support. The thing is that my back might hurt from me leaning down too much so we might have to come to a stop. We managed to walk at least a few squared blocks from my spot, pardon the pun.  "You okay?" my companion asked, worried. I nod my head weakly due to the hazy feeling I had. "Yeah, just a little light headed." I said. We might not make it home today if I have to be carried like this but we just have to work with it. While we're on the topic of Romeo helping me out, i think i should mention something else. When his hand was on my shoulder there's this magnetic force that attaches itself to me. Imagine those dreams you have when you feel this thing like a spectre latch onto you or some kind of aura, that's the magnetic force I mean. That's how they pick things up. That is the same feeling that is latched onto my back and my arm, helping me stay mostly balanced.

"Wait a minute..." Romeo starts, coming to a halt. "What is it?" I ask curiously. His whole face showed awareness, as if he's expecting something. Did he see something earlier when he went to get me the materials I asked for? "Okay, listen..." He starts again. I'm not sure I trust where this is going "This sounds crazy but there's a witches house nearby and I'm going to have to find it and take the witch out." "Yeah, that's definitely crazy, don't." I blurted out, before an ache struck me by my wound, causing a grunt. Romeo clearly wasn't listening to me as he helps me to a tree nearby. "I'll be fine, I took on a horde of mobs once." Oh, right like that's supposed to make me worry less. But before I can even oppose, he sets me down and runs off. "Romeo!"

A few minutes pass as I sit here by a stinking tree by a pond of stinky water. Goodness this place smells disgusting. At the very least it wasn't as bad as the smell during the drowned fight, think stink sock water and farts mixed with the smell of dead fish. I'm honestly surprised I didn't throw up. Out of the corner of my eye I spot something odd, a bow and a tipped arrow? That was weird. I carefully crawled over to pick it up and examine it, it looked grey ish but smelled like something toxic. I'm not sure if I recognize the colour, I'm bad with potions. I reach in my inventory for something to occupy myself with, only to dig out one of my cookies, eh. I munch on the sweet snack all while preparing a whole speech for when that red haired mister gets back. I don't have to wait long for him to return. He came back to me scratching his head. Before ge even thought of speaking, he took a look at me. I guess he noticed my unamused look. I'm about to start scolding him before he cuts me off. "Fighting a witch, by yourself, Romeo, you are stubborn and reckless. I know, I'm sorry. But I saw the witch's hut earlier and I didn't want her to attack us while you were vulnerable." Well, there goes my whole dramatic speech of how he should be more careful. "But let's get moving, can you stand?" He asked, to which I respond with the a major amount of sarcasim"Well considering how much my back hurt from all the crouching, I have no idea."

"Okay" Out of no where, Romeo picks me up bridal style and carries me. My face heats up "What the?!" This is weird, the length to the witches hut was not as long as I thought, or maybe I was too shocked by the gesture he made to think. Why is he carrying me like a princess? How is he this strong? I am literally almost a block taller than him! When we make it to the empty witches hut, he sets me down by the door. I thought he stopped but all he did was open the door, help me walk inside, then carry me to a corner. I'm pretty sure I turned into a cherry. I look at him with what was probably the most confused and shocked expression I can muster. "Why did you just carry me like that? Aren't I too heavy?" I 'acidently' ask at a loss of comprehension. "Well I, thought...you said your back was getting hurt from crouching so much so I thought maybe It would be better for you." He responded, awkwardly. "And, no. You weren't heavy at all. I've carried an anvil once "  Wait what? He...carried an anvil? With his bare hands? Did i just hear him right? Is that how minecraft's characters exercise? "Well, alright." I say, trying to avoid staying on the topic for too long. This situation itself is kind of awkward and honestly, it really doesn't help that I'm a fangirl of his.

So why are we coming to the hut? Well, Until my wound feels a little bit better, we need to settle down for a while. If it comes down to it we might also have to stop again. I just hope we make it ho e soon. After handing Romeo some stuff for him to make the hut more hospitable, I sat by the corner on a staircase he made me. Also by making it hospitable, I mean he cut down trees to get more wood and extend the walls a bit. It's kinda strategic. I start getting up and trying to walk around, hoping to get used to it. I've also munched on my last cookie. Romeo also started making some food outside. I also explained to him that I can't eat pork chop or rabit meat. For those who are still wondering, for me I don't want to start liking rabbit meat and eating pig is taboo. Wonder how long we've been on the trip as a whole. Actually, what day is it today? Tuesday? And what month is it? What if it's christmas already? Okay, now I'm getting ahead of myself. Maybe Romeo knows. I see him walk back in with some more wood. "Hey Romeo..." I call out as he passed, his gaze turns to me "Out of curiosity, what's today's date?" Honestly, I was more expecting him to give me a a confused glance but what he said next, took me by surprise. "3rd of August, why?" With that, a sad chuckle left my lips "Nothing just, can't believe i lost track of time that I missed my own birthday."

Nighttime fell as I sat in this little room. The white bed I was on had a slab of wood at the foot for my feet, just incase I wanted to stretch. I saw lying down with my arms behind my head, being bored and missing my tablet, When you are so use to technology, it just doesn't feel normal without it. A knock at the door sounds as I see Romeo stick his head out into my room. He walked in was his hands behind his back. "You good?" he asks awkwardly. I nod my head and carefully sit up. He goes over to place the cake from the main room to the windowsill of my room. Then he walked over to me, his hands still behind his back. "Look, I'm not good at this but, I'm really sorry you missed your own birthday. I didn't want to be a bother but, I got...I got you this." He said as he pulled out a light blue orchid. He's giving me a flower? I stare at him completely at a loss for words. "D-don't look at me like that I...I didn't know if should have gotten you anything so I just, looked for a quick gift." He says. "If you don't have a place for it you can always turn it into dye" Again, me being a fangirl doesn't help this. Even though he's just being sweet, I can't help but blush. It takes a moment for me to take the blue blossom from his hand. It smelled a bit like flowery honey, is that what an actual orchid smells like?

"This was really sweet of you Romeo." I told him as he sat on the side of the bed by me. "Hey, I'm just trying to be a good friend." he responded. Well isn't he precious. "I'll also leave the cake from the main area here. it's not exactly a birthday cake but, it's something." He scratches the back of his head. I honestly don't know why but he is just so cute. I gave him a calming smile"Thanks." Well, after all that we maintained conversation for a while before he left to his room and we both went to bed. One thing from earlier still makes me concerned, why would an ordinary skeleton have a tipped arrow with him? Somethings off here.

(Picture above is how tall I am compared to him. I honestly think I should actually be bit shorter than this but I am indeed taller than him, I look somewhere around Axel's height here but I am at least half a block shorter than the guy, I'm bad at calculating, that last bit is a nod to how i was supposed to finish this before i turned 20 but didn't lol too late, well might as well go on any way. Also, I wasn't planning on shipping myself with Romeo in this story originally. I wanted it to be rather the greatest dynamic duo, but then the carrying me scene. Honestly that was just supposed to me Romeo being Romeo and me being a hopless fangirl for comedy but now that I'm thinking about it, I might as well ship it. I have the rights of course but let me know.)

Out of place (MCSM Romeo and Author story) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now