With the Anti-Loonatics out rampant, the Loonatics individually are on patrol. Tech was chilling on a rooftop eating some fries.
Ace: *Appears on Tech's watch* Anything yet?
Tech: Nope *eats a fry* Tho if I see that Sapphire again, she won't trap me again you?
Ace: Everything's good over here, Tech. Zadavia told us we should find out more about our new enemies. Maybe ask their family or buddies about them.
Tech: Hm, I should've thought of that..
Meanwhile, in Pierre's Perfume store, someone had snuck in to find a large 8'5 feet tall diamond, that was Sapphire Pussycat
Pierre: Oh? Why hello-- *stops as he sees a beautiful 'skunk'* Oh my...
Sapphire: *presses an earpiece on her ear* This is Sapphire, I've found the diamond.
Pierre: Oh, Mademoiselle, you have such beautiful eyes, it's like the Gods puts the magic of sapphires to make your eyes sparkle
Optimatus(On the radio): Pussycat, who is that?!
Sapphire: It's just some skunk trying to flirt
Optimatus(On the radio): Get him out of the way, take the diamond and return to Freleng!
Pierre: I am Pierre Le Pew, what is your name, l' amour?
Sapphire: Irrel...*high kicks him right in the chin knocking him out cold* Levant...
Pierre: So amazing...*his head drops back, knocked out*
Meanwhile with Tech
Tech: *still looking out*
Zadavia: *Messages* Tech!
Tech: Yes Zadavia?
Tech: The alarm at Pierre's Perfume has just been activated, someone is stealing jewelry
Tech: Alert the others, I'm heading there right now!
he jumps off the roof and engaged his jetpack, flying to the store
Meanwhile, back at Sapphire, she's ready to steal the Crystal.
Sapphire: Come to mama *she carefully grabs it and prepared to carry it despite it's weight*
Sapphire tries to carry it outside, only to be stopped by Tech E. Coyote.
Tech: Looks like we got a cat burglar huh? *Eyes glow green*
Sapphire: Round 2? Round 2 it is
A Frelengian robot lands and takes the crystal
Sapphire: *To the robot* I'll hold him off
Tech: *uses his magnetic manipulation to grab a bar to use it as a weapon* Let's go, lady!
Sapphire: Let's see what you got, coyote!
Tech: *Swings the bar with his power*
Sapphire: *turns her hands into quartzs and goes to punch him*
Tech: *rolls to dodge and trips her up*
Sapphire: Woah!
Tech: Gotta admit, for a singer your more than a pretty face *raises posts and pieces of metal with his magnetic manipulation and forms a massive cage around her*
Sapphire: Hey!
Tech: Looks like you got the taste of your own medicine
Sapphire raises a glowing quartz crystal
Loonatics ReEnergized: Season 2
AçãoAfter the events of Season 1, The Loonatics have got all they need to take on Optimatus, but Optimatus has a new secret weapon up his sleeve, his own band of Loonatics! Can the Heroic Loonatics save Acmetropolis?