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[Jimin POV]

"Yall didn't actully believe that, did you Assholes?"

I- what the cant be, she's dead. Right?

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Everyone had horror looks on their face, like they just saw their grandma flying. "O-open it" Jungkook tapped me. I shook my head. And the door knob turned

What, I thought it was locked. The door silently opened, the dark sky visible. In came in a figure, I couldnt really guess it since the lack of lighting. The figure came closer

Once close enough to see, I couldn't believe my eyes on who it was, the person who I never expected to see.

Once close enough to see, I couldn't believe my eyes on who it was, the person who I never expected to see

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Park Seonghwa

Without waiting a seacond I ran and punched him square in the face. He fell down, I kicked him in the stomach till he coughed blood, "h-hyung listen" he said coughing.

"How am I supposed to listen to you, huh?! You killed her!" He was about to say something when I kicked him again. Suddenly I was pulled back "Jimin wait, lets see what he has to say" Namjoon said sternly

I panted and tried to calm myself from killing this bastard right here. He slowly stood up holding his wound "I have someone who you may want to see"

My eyes widened, could he mean...

In came in a person with gray hair, the person was looking down. I hope it is who I think it is. The person came closer and looked up.

Frozen. We were all frozen, it was like seeing a ghost. She was there standing in front of me, but she was dead? I couldn't move a muscle, it was like I was stuck. "Someone please pinch me" Jungkook's faint voice was heard.

"Chaerin?" I whispered. "...Jimin" she looked in my eyes. I didn't even feel the tears forming in my eyes. She pulled me in a strong hug. But I couldn't hug her back, I needed answers. We all do.

"I-Im sorry" she retreated. She looked at everyone briefly. "Explain" Jin hyung glared at her.


We all seated in the living room, while she sat in the middle. We all were despratly waiting for her explanation, she looked up and started

"All of this was already planned, the day we decided to go to the old mansion I already informed Seonghwa to call the police. I did it because I wanted them to know that the mafia queen is arrested and is helpless"

"What about the body, we saw it? You cut your wrists" Yoongi questioned. "Yea like I said it was planned. I somehow wanted to let the world know that I'm dead so the won't be after me anymore. After getting arrested, Seonghwa brought a fake body that looked exactly like me and we created that scene"

PHOENIX  |Jimin X OC Mafia AU|Where stories live. Discover now