[ you're the minnie to my mickey ]

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[ ch. 7 ]
[ you're the minnie to my mickey ]
By Larrys_Fairy


"Hey, Luke?" Ashton calls from the kitchen, a frown on his face.

"Yeah, Ash?" Luke calls back, putting his phone down.

"Can you come here?" Ashton asks, crossing his arms. Luke gets of his place on the couch, making his way to the kitchen of his and Luke's shared apartment. They've been dating for almost a year now and things have been going great. They moved in together a couple months back, right after Luke turned eighteen. Luke couldn't get out of his parent's house fast enough. He was ready to be independent. And what better way than to move in with your boyfriend right? They've had their spats, but nothing too bad. The only thing they really fight about is when one of them leaves food out.

"What's wrong, Ashton?" Luke asks, walking into the kitchen, seeing the upset look on Ashton's face.

"I can't reach the box of cookies." Ashton pouts, Luke looking up to the cabinet that just out of the shorter boys' reach.

"You're adorable. Here ya go, cutie." Luke laughs, handing the box to Ashton.

"I hate how I'm too short to reach the damn cookies in my own damn kitchen. It's not fair. Why do you get to be the tall one?" Ashton whines, eating a cookie.

"I get to be the tall one because you're cute when you pout. And then I get to kiss the pout of your face," Luke leans down, pecking Ashton's lips.

"Like that."

"But the older one should be taller. It's like the rule of boyfriendism." Ashton complains, mouth full of cookie bits.

"I thought that one went for topping as well?" Luke teases, Ashton blushing deep.

"W-well-" Ashton starts, nervously.

"'Well' nothing. That rule does not apply to us. We're different." Luke smiles, wrapping his arms around Ashton's waist. Ashton looks up at his boyfriend, giving him 'the face.' And Luke does it right back. See, neither of them have said 'I love you,' both being too shy to say it. But they know the other thinks it and shows it. So they just give each other 'the look.' Luke cups Ashton's cheeks, rubbing his thumbs across the smooth skin. Sometimes it hits him really hard that he really does love this bandana wearing boy with all his heart. You know that feeling you get when you're on a roller coaster or in a car and you go over and down a hill? Well magnify that by ten and you've got what Luke's feeling. And sometimes Ashton stares at Luke and wonders how he got so lucky. He traces all the little lines and curves on the younger's face when he's sleeping. He kisses all around his face and neck, Luke always waking up and kissing Ashton with love. Once Luke snaps out of his admiration state, he leans down, kissing the older with all he's got to give. Ashton sighs into the kiss, his heart fluttering. Luke always knows how to make him melt. Even when he's not trying. It's just something about being hugged or kissed or touched by Luke that just makes you feel so ecstatic. So alive, but yet, so calm, so comforted. It's amazing.

"Just stop putting the cookies so high." Ashton says, once they pull away.

"But then we won't get to do what we just did." Luke laughs, Ashton gasping.

"You've been doing it on purpose!" Ashton pulls away from him, Luke laughing harder.

"You're so cute when you're pouting! C'mon." Luke's face turns red, Ashton glaring.

"You're mean." Ashton pouts, crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry." Luke says, insincerely. Luke tries to hug the upset boy, him turning his back.

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