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Name: Athanasia De Alger Obelia

Fake Name: Aster Komori

Age: 17

Birthdate: December 3rd

Gender: Female

Family: Diana(mother), Claude(father), Seiji(adoptive father), Jennette(cousin/sister), Kiko(adoptive sister), Lilian(considers her a mother figure)

Eye Color: Jewel Blue(wears pink contacts)

Hair Color: Blonde(over time changes to white with light pink at the end)

Magic: Even though in Lovely Princess she can't wield magic in my au she can, so due to the fact that she will have a huge amount of mana and that she was blessed by god she is can easily conjure spells that would take a long time to master. Also since she has a lot of mana, there was a mana burst while she was at the church creating her Divine Beast like what happened in WMMAP and the mana burst created a black wolf like creature and when the second mana burst happened she was able to full control her magic. Her wolf is still there with her.

Friend(s): Cordelia, Christa(future), Beatrix(future), Felix, Lily

Disorder(s): Anorexia, PTSD, 

Phobia(s):, Autophobia, Nostophobia, 

Extra Info

She is friends with Cordelia because she began to see them as a child and they became her imaginary friends because no one else could see them

Back at Obelia, ijekiel was very obsessive over her, sometimes even stalked her and once raped her so she has PTSD from that


Autophobia: Fear of being alone

Nostophobia: Fear of returning home

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